This is an application of the google home API Blueprint reported here. While a lot of the end points maybe of interest to quite a few people, I used the ones I use most and I thought would be most useful and created a command line tool for you to search for a Google home mini device and then use this tool to interact with it and perform actions as needed. A large thanks goes to both rithvikvibhu for the blueprint and finally to leikoilja for excellent work on implementing glocaltokens.
This assumes that you have native python & pip installed in your system, you can test this by going to the terminal (or windows command prompt) and trying. On a windows machine , install pycryptodomex first by using the instructions here
This also includes following importantly Download Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019. In the installer, select the C++ build tools, the Windows 10 SDK, and the latest version of MSVC v142 x64/x86 build tools.
and then pip list
If you get no errors and you have python 3.6 or higher you should be good to go
To install ghome: Simple CLI for Google Home & Mini you can install using two methods.
pip install ghome
or you can also try
git clone
cd ghome
python install
For Linux use sudo or try pip install ghome --user
The advantage of having it installed is that ghome can be executed as any command line tool. I recommend installation within a virtual environment. .
As usual, to print help:
usage: ghome [-h]
Simple Google Home Mini Client
positional arguments:
auth Auth to get Master Token: Use only once
device_list Print device list for Google Home devices
devinfo Provides Device Info based on device name or IP
reboot Reboot or Factory Reset a google home device using IP
address or Name
alarm_list Get alarm list on a google home device using IP
address or Name
alarm_volume Set alarm volume on a google home device using IP
address or Name
alarm_delete Delete all alarms on a google home device using IP
address or Name
bstat Bluetooth status on a google home device using IP
address or Name
bscan Bluetooth scan for devices on a google home device
using IP address or Name
bpaired Get Bluetooth paired devices on a google home device
using IP address or Name
bdisc Change Bluetooth discoverability on a google home
device using IP address or Name
wscan Wireless scan on a google home device using IP address
or Name
saved_network Get saved wifi networks on a google home device using
IP address or Name
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
To obtain help for specific functionality, simply call it with help switch, e.g.: ghome wscan -h
. If you didn't install ghome, then you can run it just by going to ghome directory and running python [arguments go here]
The tool is based on currently unofficial API blueprint published for the device and is subject to change in the future.
This tool is originally based on the implementation of glocaltokens from the gist. This should be used only once as suggested on the glocaltokens site and is to avoid Google delinking devices or anything else. The auth tool create a config-file and write a master authentication token which can be used by the tool to then generate local device tokens as they expire every 24 hours.
ghome auth
This tool generates a list of all google home devices connected to your network and prints the name and ip address of each. This is a quick way to check specific name or ip address to use for a device.
ghome device_list
This tool uses device name or ip addrss to get all information available for said device and prints it out as a json object.
(venv3) λ ghome devinfo -h
usage: ghome devinfo [-h] [--ip IP] [--name NAME]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Optional named arguments:
--ip IP Google Home IP Address
--name NAME Google Home Device Name
Simple usage
ghome devinfo --ip
ghome devinfo --name "Kitchen Speaker"
This is a powerful tool since the only current way of rebooting a device is to physically unplug and plug the device back in. This also allows you to do a factory reset so Use reset with CAUTION.
usage: ghome reboot [-h] [--ip IP]
optional arguments:usage: ghome reboot [-h] [--action ACTION] [--ip IP] [--name NAME]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Required named arguments.:
--action ACTION reboot or reset the device
Optional named arguments:
--ip IP Google Home IP Address
--name NAME Google Home Device Name
Simple usage to reboot
ghome reboot --action reboot --ip
ghome reboot --action reboot --name "Kitchen Speaker"
or to factory reset
ghome reboot --action reset --ip
ghome reboot --action reset --name "Kitchen Speaker"
This tool will simply list all alarms currently on your device including date , time and time zone.
usage: ghome alarm_list [-h] [--ip IP] [--name NAME]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Optional named arguments:
--ip IP Google Home IP Address
--name NAME Google Home Device Name
Simple usage
ghome alarm_list --ip
ghome alarm_list --name "Kitchen Speaker"
Set the alarm volume for a device, this only changes the alarm volume and nothing else. Alarm volumes can be set for values 0-1 which represents volume from 0-100% so 0.1 means 10% volume and so on.
usage: ghome alarm_volume [-h] [--volume VOLUME] [--ip IP] [--name NAME]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Required named arguments.:
--volume VOLUME between 0-1 represents 0-100
Optional named arguments:
--ip IP Google Home IP Address
--name NAME Google Home Device Name
Simple usage
ghome alarm_volume --volume 0.1 --ip
ghome alarm_volume --volume 0.1 --name "Kitchen Speaker"
Delete all alarms on a google home device based on ip or name.
usage: ghome alarm_delete [-h] [--ip IP] [--name NAME]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Optional named arguments:
--ip IP Google Home IP Address
--name NAME Google Home Device Name
Simple usage
ghome alarm_delete --ip
ghome alarm_delete --name "Kitchen Speaker"
The bluetooth status prints whether the device discovery is enabled, whether scanning is enabled and whether it is connected to a device.
usage: ghome bstat [-h] [--ip IP] [--name NAME]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Optional named arguments:
--ip IP Google Home IP Address
--name NAME Google Home Device Name
Simple usage
ghome bstat --ip
ghome bstat --name "Kitchen Speaker"
This prints bluetooth status, including is possible bluetooth device name and mac name
usage: ghome bscan [-h] [--ip IP] [--name NAME]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Optional named arguments:
--ip IP Google Home IP Address
--name NAME Google Home Device Name
Simple usage
ghome bscan --ip
ghome bscan --name "Kitchen Speaker"
Check if device is paried via bluetooth to any current device as well as history of all deviced connected, last connected and whether or not they are currently connected.
usage: ghome bpaired [-h] [--ip IP] [--name NAME]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Optional named arguments:
--ip IP Google Home IP Address
--name NAME Google Home Device Name
Simple usage
ghome bpaired --ip
ghome bpaired --name "Kitchen Speaker"
This is to enable or disable bluetooth discovery to allow for pairing as needed. The action can be to enable or disable coupled with the ip or device name.
usage: ghome bdisc [-h] [--action ACTION] [--ip IP] [--name NAME]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Required named arguments.:
--action ACTION enable or disable Bluetooth discoverability
Optional named arguments:
--ip IP Google Home IP Address
--name NAME Google Home Device Name
Simple usage
ghome bpaired --action enable --ip
ghome bpaired --action enable --name "Kitchen Speaker"
Prints the wifi scan results of all available wifi connections and their ssid based on the proximity of the device to other connections. You might want to run this twice, since it may not build the device cache directly.
usage: ghome wscan [-h] [--ip IP] [--name NAME]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Optional named arguments:
--ip IP Google Home IP Address
--name NAME Google Home Device Name
Simple usage
ghome wscan --action enable --ip
ghome wscan --action enable --name "Kitchen Speaker"
This tool allows you to print any saved network on the device and nothing else it may provide only information on current network being used if there is only a single network it was connected to .
usage: ghome saved_network [-h] [--ip IP] [--name NAME]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Optional named arguments:
--ip IP Google Home IP Address
--name NAME Google Home Device Name
Simple usage
ghome saved_network --action enable --ip
ghome saved_network --action enable --name "Kitchen Speaker"
- Install instruction for pycryptodomex added
- glocaltokens fixed to 0.2.3 to avoid charmap issues.
- Added major revisions to the code to use autheticated device tokens
- Makes use of master token and autogenerates new one every 24 hours
- Device ports are adjusted for authenicated endpoints based on endpoints
- Additional tools were added and overall improvements were made
- Tool supports Python 3 only.