Dump all the values from a deployed contract
const Mapper = require('solidity-objects');
// automatically loads truffle.js and contracts from build/contracts
const mapper = new Mapper();
(async () => {
const values = await mapper.map('MetaCoin', '0x254dffcd3277C0b1660F6d42EFbB754edaBAbC2B');
const mapper = new Mapper({
types: {
// convert ALL int types to string
int: function (val) {
return Web3.utils.BN(val).toString();
// convert all uint256 to string; default is BN
uint256: function(val) {
return Web3.utils.BN(val).toString();
const values = await mapper.map('MetaCoin', '0x254dffcd3277C0b1660F6d42EFbB754edaBAbC2B');
See Object Mapper for full details on output mapping.
// all calls to .map will apply these transformations
const mapper = new Mapper({
mapping: {
// example: 'getState' is a method that returns an integer
// which represents possible values in a struct
// This mapping will output two keys:
// 'state' - the integer itself from getState
// 'stateName' - the string representing the struct
state: [
key: 'stateName',
transform: function (val) {
const index = Number(val.toString());
const states = ['Funding', 'Active', 'Matured'];
return states[index];
// this custom mapping only applies to this call of .map
const values = await mapper.map('Token', '0x254dffcd3277C0b1660F6d42EFbB754edaBAbC2B', {
// map the property 'name' to the output key 'tokenName'
name: 'tokenName',
// use a custom transformation
status: {
key: 'status',
transform: function(val) {
const statuses = {
0: 'New',
1: 'Active',
2: 'Closed'
const index = val.toString();
return statuses[index];
// send a single value to multiple output values
symbol: ['tokenSymbol', {
key: 'symbol',
transform: function(val) {
return `XYZ:${val}`;
- (async) contractName - Name of the contract corresponding to one of the ABI files
- (async) at - Address of deployed contract
- (async) mapping - Hash of src:dest object mapping rules with optional transformations, applied only to this method invocation. See Mapping. Can also be provided to constructor to apply to all calls.
See also: lib/options.schema.json
Type: string
Network name corresponding to truffle config network name. Corresponds to truffle 'network' parameter
const mapper = new Mapper({
networkName: 'mainnet'
Type: string
Base directory to search for truffle config and contracts. Creates a truffle instance based on the contents of this directory using Truffle's auto-detection.
const mapper = new Mapper({
workingDirectory: path.join(__dirname, '/../my-truffle-project')
Type: object
Hash of data type and how retrieved values of this type should be converted. Uses ABI definition to convert all properties of the specified type.
const mapper = new Mapper({
types: {
// all 'int' types will be converted to string
int: function (val) {
return Web3.utils.BN(val).toString();
Type: string|object|array
Hash of src:dest mapping; see the Node Object Mapper Docs for more information on object mapping. The src property will be mapped to one ore more dest properties.
Provide a simple string dest key:
const mapper = new Mapper({
mapping: {
// value from contract property 'bytes32Example'
// will be mapped to 'newPropertyName'
'bytes32Example': 'newPropertyName'
Provide an object with dest key and optional transformations:
const mapper = new Mapper({
mapping: {
// value from contract property 'bytes32Example'
// will be mapped to 'newPropertyName'
'bytes32Example': {
key: 'newPropertyName'
'intExample': {
key: 'intExample',
transform: function (val) {
return Web3.utils.BN(val).toString();
Use a list of destination mappings, which can be a mix of strings and/or objects:
const mapper = new Mapper({
mapping: {
// value from contract property 'bytes32Example'
// will be mapped to 'newPropertyName'
'bytes32Example': [{
key: 'newDestPropertyName'
}, {
key: 'otherDestPropertyName',
transform: (val) => `${val}_modified_string`
A pre-configured Web3 provider.
const TruffleProvider = require('@truffle/provider');
const TruffleConfig = require('@truffle/config');
const mapper = new Mapper({
provider: TruffleProvider.create(TruffleConfig.detect({
network: 'development',
workingDirectory: __dirname,
Type: string|array|object
Glob path, array of paths, or pre-loaded ABI objects for the contracts to use.
Single glob path to the ABI contract files. A glob pattern to where contract ABI files are stored. Defaults to: [workingDirectory]/build/contracts/*.json
const mapper = new Mapper({
contracts: path.join(__dirname, '/../my-truffle-project/build/**/*.json'),
List of glob path to the ABI contract files
const mapper = new Mapper({
contracts: [
path.join(__dirname, '/../my-truffle-project/build/**/*.json'),
path.join(__dirname, '/../other-project/build/**/*.json'),
A hash of contract name and the pre-loaded ABI. Use this if you don't need/want automatic contract detection and loading.
const MyContract = require('./build/contracts/MetaCoin');
const mapper = new Mapper({
contracts: { MyContract }