The filepattern
utility is used to store files that follow a pattern, where the pattern is analogous to a simplified regular expression. The need for
arises in situations where large amounts of data with a systematic naming convention needs to be filtered by patterns in the naming. For example, one may have
a directory containing segmented images where the name contains information such as the channel, the column value, and the row value. filepattern
provides the ability to
extract all images containing such a naming pattern, filter by the row or column value, or group files by one or more of the aforementioned variables.
is both pip and conda installable by running pip install filepattern
or conda install filepattern -c conda-forge
Alternatively, filepattern
can either be build inside a conda
environment or independently outside of it directly from the source.
uses a CMake build system.
Below is an example of how to build filepattern
Python package inside a conda
environment on Linux.
git clone
cd filepattern
conda install -y -c conda-forge compilers --file ci-utils/envs/conda_cpp.txt --file ci-utils/envs/conda_py.txt
To build filepattern
outside of a conda
environment, use the following example.
git clone
cd filepattern
mkdir build_dep
cd build_dep
bash ../ci-utils/
cd ..
export FILEPATTERN_DEP_DIR=./build_dep/local_install
python -m pip install . -vv
also comes with a C++ API. To build and install filepattern
as a C++ library, following the steps below.
git clone
cd filepattern
mkdir build
cd build
bash ../ci-utils/
cmake -Dfilepattern_SHARED_LIB=ON -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=./local_install -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./local_install ../src/filepattern/cpp/
make -j4
make install
To link filepattern
with the client code, use the following CMake statements.
find_package(filepattern REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(client_executable PRIVATE filepattern::filepattern)
also supplies a Java API. Maven can be used to build filepattern
. After installing Maven, the following steps can be used.
git clone
cd filepattern
mvn clean install
To build a jar instead of installing filepattern, mvn clean package
can be used in place of mvn clean install
For more information of the Java API, see the Java API documentation
When only a path to a directory and a pattern are supplied to the constructor of filepattern
, filepattern
will iterate over the directory, matching the filenames in the directory to the filepattern
. The filepattern
can either be supplied by the user or can be found using the infer_pattern
method of filepattern
. For example, consider a directory containing the following files,
In each of these filenames, there are three descriptors of the image: the row, the column, and the channel. To match these files, the pattern img_r{r:ddd}_c{c:ddd}_{channel:c+}
can be used. In this pattern, the named groups are contained within the curly brackets, where the variable name is before the colon and the value is after the colon. For the value, the descriptors d
and c
are used, which represent a digit and a character, respectively. In the example pattern, three d
's are used to capture three digits. The +
after c
denotes that one or more characters will be captured, which is equivalent to [a-zA-z]+
in a regular expression. The +
symbol may be used after either d
or c
To have filepattern
guess what the pattern is for a directory, the static method infer_pattern
can be used:
import filepattern as fp
path = 'path/to/directory'
pattern = fp.infer_pattern(path)
The result is:
Note that the infer_pattern
can also guess the patterns from stitching vectors and text files when a path to a text file is passed, rather than a path to a directory.
To retrieve files from a directory that match the filepattern
, an iterator is called on the FilePattern
object, as shown below. A user specified custom pattern, such as the one below, or the guessed pattern can be passed to the constructor.
import filepattern as fp
import pprint
filepath = "path/to/directory"
pattern = "img_r{r:ddd}_c{c:ddd}_{channel:c+}.tif"
files = fp.FilePattern(filepath, pattern)
for file in files():
The output is:
({'c': 1, 'channel': 'DAPI', 'r': 1},
({'c': 1, 'channel': 'TXREAD', 'r': 1},
({'c': 1, 'channel': 'GFP', 'r': 1},
As shown in this example, the output is a tuple where the first member is a map between the group name supplied in the pattern and the value of the group for each file name. The second member of the tuple is a vector containing the path to the matched file. The second member is stored in a vector for the case where a directory is supplied with multiple subdirectories. In this case, a third optional parameter can be passed to the constructor. If the parameter recursive
is set to True
, a recursive directory iterator will be used, which iterates over all subdirectories. If the basename of two files from two different subdirectories match, filepattern
will add the path of the file to the vector in the existing tuple rather than creating a new tuple.
For example, consider the directory with the structure
In this case, the subdirectories are split by the channel. Recursive matching can be used as shown below.
import filepattern as fp
import pprint
filepath = "path/to/root/directory"
pattern = "img_r{r:ddd}_c{c:ddd}.tif"
files = fp.FilePattern(filepath, pattern, recursive=True)
for file in files():
The output of this case is:
({'c': 1, 'r': 1},
We can capture the values in a couple of different ways. Similar to capturing digits, the character f
can be used to capture an element of a floating point number.
Note that with this method, the decimal point in the number must be captured by an f
. For example, in the file img_r0.05_c1.15.tif
, the floating point numbers would be capture with ffff
The code to utilize this method is
filepath = "path/to/directory"
pattern = "img_r{r:ffff}_c{c:ffff}.tif"
files = fp.FilePattern(filepath, pattern)
for file in files():
The result is:
({'c': 1.15, 'r': 0.05},
({'c': 2.25, 'r': 1.05},
({'c': 3.35, 'r': 2.05},
To capture floating point numbers with an arbitrary number of digits, we can use f+
. This method operates in the same way as using d+
or c+
, where all digits (and the decimal point) will be
captured for a floating point of any length. The code for this method is
filepath = "path/to/directory"
pattern = "img_r{r:f+}_c{c:f+}.tif"
files = fp.FilePattern(filepath, pattern)
for file in files():
The result of this code is the same as the previous example.
The final method for capturing floating points is to use d
to capture the digits and to add the decimal point where needed. For example, in the file img_r0.05_c1.15.tif
, the floating point numbers could be captured using d.dd
. The code for this method is:
filepath = "path/to/directory"
pattern = "img_r{r:d.dd}_c{c:d.dd}.tif"
files = fp.FilePattern(filepath, pattern)
for file in files():
Once again, the results are the same as the first example.
Note that d
can be used to specify even more specific floating points. For example, if we want to capturing all floating points with one digit in the whole part and an arbitrary number of digits in the decimal, we can add d.d+
for the pattern. Similarly, this could be used in a reverse manner to capture an arbitrary number of digits in the whole part using d+.ddd
If images need to be processed in a specific order, for example by the row number, the group_by
function is used. With the directory
the images can be returned in groups where r
is held constant by passing the parameter group_by='r'
to the object iterator.
import filepattern as fp
import pprint
filepath = "path/to/directory"
pattern = "img_r{r:ddd}_c{c:ddd}_{channel:c+}.tif"
files = fp.FilePattern(filepath, pattern)
for file in files(group_by='r'):
The output is:
('r': 1, [({'c': 1, 'channel': 'DAPI', 'file': 0, 'r': 1},
({'c': 1, 'channel': 'TXREAD', 'file': 0, 'r': 1},
({'c': 1, 'channel': 'GFP', 'file': 0, 'r': 1},
('r': 2, [({'c': 1, 'channel': 'DAPI', 'file': 0, 'r': 2},
({'c': 1, 'channel': 'GFP', 'file': 0, 'r': 2},
({'c': 1, 'channel': 'TXREAD', 'file': 0, 'r': 2},
Note that the return of each call is a tuple where the first member is the group_by
variable mapped to the current value and the second member is a list of files where the group_by
variable matches the current value.
To get files where the variable matches a value, the get_matching
method is used. For example, if only files from the TXREAD channel are needed, get_matching(channel=['TXREAD']
is called.
filepath = "/home/ec2-user/Dev/FilePattern/data/example"
pattern = "img_r{r:ddd}_c{c:ddd}_{channel:c+}.tif"
files = fp.FilePattern(filepath, pattern)
matching = files.get_matching(channel=['TXREAD'])
The output is:
[({'c': 1, 'channel': 'TXREAD', 'r': 1},
({'c': 1, 'channel': 'TXREAD', 'r': 2},
can also take in a text file as an input rather than a directory. To use this functionality, a path to a text file is supplied to the path
variable rather than a directory. When a text file is passed as input, each line of the text file will be matched to the pattern. For example, a text file containing containing the strings
can be matched to the pattern img_r{r:ddd}_c{c:ddd}_{channel:c+}.tif
import filepattern as fp
import pprint
filepath = "path/to/file.txt"
pattern = "img_r{r:ddd}_c{c:ddd}_{channel:c+}.tif"
files = fp.FilePattern(filepath, pattern)
for file in files():
The output is:
({'c': 1, 'channel': 'DAPI', 'r': 1},
({'c': 1, 'channel': 'TXREAD', 'r': 1},
({'c': 1, 'channel': 'GFP', 'r': 1},
After calling filepattern
on a text file, the group_by and get_matching functionality can be used the same as outlined in the FilePattern section.
can also take in stitching vectors as input. In this case, a path to a text file containing a stitching vector is passed to the path
variable. A stitching vector has the following form,
file: x01_y01_wx0_wy0_c1.ome.tif; corr: 0; position: (0, 0); grid: (0, 0);
file: x02_y01_wx0_wy0_c1.ome.tif; corr: 0; position: (3496, 0); grid: (3, 0);
file: x03_y01_wx0_wy0_c1.ome.tif; corr: 0; position: (6992, 0); grid: (6, 0);
file: x04_y01_wx0_wy0_c1.ome.tif; corr: 0; position: (10488, 0); grid: (9, 0);
This stitching vector can be processed using
import filepattern as fp
filepath = 'path/to/stitching/vector.txt'
pattern = 'x0{x:d}_y01_wx0_wy0_c1.ome.tif'
files = fp.FilePattern(filepath, pattern)
for file in files():
The output is:
({'correlation': 0, 'gridX': 0, 'gridY': 0, 'posX': 0, 'posY': 0, 'x': 1},
({'correlation': 0, 'gridX': 3, 'gridY': 0, 'posX': 3496, 'posY': 0, 'x': 2},
({'correlation': 0, 'gridX': 6, 'gridY': 0, 'posX': 6992, 'posY': 0, 'x': 3},
({'correlation': 0, 'gridX': 9, 'gridY': 0, 'posX': 10488, 'posY': 0, 'x': 4},
As shown in the output, filepattern
not only captures the specified variables from the pattern, but also captures the variables supplied in the stitching vector.
has the ability to use external memory when the dataset is too large to fit in main memory, i.e. it utilizes disk memory along with RAM. It has the same functionality as filepattern
, however it takes in an addition parameter called block_size
, which limits the amount of main memory used by filepattern
. Consider a directory containing the files:
This directory can be processed with only one file in memory as:
import filepattern as fp
import pprint
filepath = "path/to/directory"
pattern = "img_r{r:ddd}_c{c:ddd}_{channel:c+}.tif"
files = fp.FilePattern(filepath, pattern, block_size="125 B")
for file in files():
The output from this example is:
({'c': 1, 'channel': 'DAPI', 'r': 1},
({'c': 1, 'channel': 'TXREAD', 'r': 1},
({'c': 1, 'channel': 'GFP', 'r': 1},
Note that the block_size
argument is provided in bytes (B) in this example, but also has the options for kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), and gigabytes (GB). The block_size
must be under 1000 GB.
The out of core version of filepattern
contains the same functionalities as the in memory version. group_by
is called the same way, i.e.,
for file in files(group_by="r"):
The output remains identical to the in memory version.
The get_matching
functionality remains the same, however the API is slightly different. In this case, get_matching
is called as
for matching in files.get_matching(channel=['TXREAD'])
where the output is returned in blocks of block_size
. The output is:
({'c': 1, 'channel': 'TXREAD', 'r': 1},
Out of core processing can also be used for stitching vectors and text files. To utilize this functionality, call filepattern
the same way as described previously, but add in the block_size
parameter, as described in the (Out of Core)[#out-of-core] section.
Jesse McKinzie(, Nick Schaub (,
This project is licensed under the MIT License Creative Commons License - see the LICENSE file for details
- This utility was inspired by the notation found in the MIST algorithm developed at NIST.