A zsh command line tool to help with using your terminal and vim
as your ide.
# open a file for editing
$ m <filename>
# find a pattern in a project
$ mg <search pattern>
# find a file in a project
$ mf <file pattern>
# open a search result from the above 2 commands
$ mo <n>
# open the most recently viewed file
$ mr
# run m on the last command args
$ ml
# clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:samhstn/m.git && cd m
# set up the archive
mkdir -p $HOME/.m-archive
echo '[]' > $HOME/.m-archive/mr.json
echo '[]' > $HOME/.m-archive/mo.json
# add an `M_PATH` environment var to your `.zshrc`
echo "export M_PATH=$HOME/Projects/m" >> ~/.zshrc
# add tool to your .zshrc so it runs on start up
echo "source $(pwd)/m.zsh" >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc