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a library that parsing xml android view into view object

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This library helps you to implement an activity page with string XML. Assume an activity that can be changing to whatever you want just in runtime. For example, you can call an API to the server and get new string then with the utility of this library you can create an android page with the server response.


First step

First of all you must add jar file into project (sorry I have not enough time to adding the project into mavenRepository).

In activity that you want shows custom xml you must implements XmlViewListener interface. This interface have three method. The onReadyView(List<View> viewList) called when the view is ready to show. The last index of list is the last view you sent to parsed, The onErrorViews(Exception e) called when a exception occured while parsing view, And The onLoadViews() called while api call executing and you can show progressBar for user. If you have a XML string you must call:

new XmlGenerator(this, this).parse(xml);

and if you have a URL that in response returned a XML you must call:

new XmlGenerator(this, this).loadXml(url);

then the rest of the work done by the library and you will be notified in XmlViewListener interface methods. The constructor of XmlGenrator class gets an XmlViewListener interface and Context as arguments.


the list of tags in any View that you can be used and library parse that correctly.

  • (required) android:layout_width = [wrap_content / match_parent/ (int)dp]
  • (required) android:layout_height = [wrap_content / match_parent/ (int)dp]
  • android:id = [a string that start with @+/id]
  • android:layout_margin = [(int)dp]
  • android:layout_marginLeft = [(int)dp]
  • android:layout_marginRight = [(int)dp]
  • android:layout_marginBottom = [(int)dp]
  • android:layout_marginTop = [(int)dp]
  • android:padding = [(int)dp]
  • android:paddingLeft = [(int)dp]
  • android:paddingRight = [(int)dp]
  • android:paddingBottom = [(int)dp]
  • android:paddingTop = [(int)dp]
  • android:background = [weblink of image / HexColor(#RRGGBB) / resource(@drawable/)]
  • android:foreground = [weblink of image / HexColor(#RRGGBB) / resource(@drawable/)]
  • android:minWidth = [(int)dp]
  • android:minHeight = [(int)dp]
  • android:tag = [String]
  • android:rotate=[(float)]

If parent of view is LinearLayout you can use these tags too.

  • android:layout_gravity = [right / left / bottom / top/ center / center_horizontal / center_vertical]
  • android:layout_weight = [Integer]

If parent of view is RelativeLayout you can use these tags too.

  • android:layout_alignBaseline = [a string that start with @+id/ or @id/]
  • android:layout_alignBottom = [a string that start with @+id/ or @id/]
  • android:layout_alignLeft = [a string that start with @+id/ or @id/]
  • android:layout_alignRight = [a string that start with @+id/ or @id/]
  • android:layout_alignTop = [a string that start with @+id/ or @id/]
  • android:layout_above = [a string that start with @+id/ or @id/]
  • android:layout_below = [a string that start with @+id/ or @id/]
  • android:layout_toLeftOf = [a string that start with @+id/ or @id/]
  • android:layout_toRightOf = [a string that start with @+id/ or @id/]
  • android:layout_alignParentBottom = [boolean]
  • android:layout_alignParentLeft = [boolean]
  • android:layout_alignParentRight = [boolean]
  • android:layout_alignParentTop = [boolean]
  • android:layout_centerHorizontal = [boolean]
  • android:layout_centerInParent = [boolean]
  • android:layout_centerVertical = [boolean]


Everything you need to use in RelativeLayout tag availabel in View section.


the list of tags in LinearLayout that you can be used and library parse that correctly.

  • android:gravity = [right / left / bottom / top/ center / center_horizontal / center_vertical]
  • android:orientation = [ vertical / horizontal]
  • android:weightSum = [Float]

also other tags that you need to use in LinearLayout tag availabel in View section.

FrameLayout ScrollView

Everything you need to use in FrameLayout and ScrollView availabel in View section.

TextView (EditText, Button)

the list of tags in TextView and other child classes like editText and Button that you can be used and library parse that correctly.

  • android:text = [String]
  • android:hint = [String]
  • android:textColor = [Hex Color (#RRGGBB)]
  • android:textColorHint = [Hex Color (#RRGGBB)]
  • android:textSize = [(int)dp]
  • android:textStyle = [bold / normal / italic]
  • android:maxLines = [Integer]
  • android:inputType = [text / phone / number / date / textPassword / time /
  • android:gravity = [right / left / bottom / top/ center / center_horizontal / center_vertical]
  • android:ellipsize = [end / start / middle / marquee / none]
  • android:cursorVisible = [Boolean[
  • android:textAllCaps = [Boolean[
  • android:autoLink = [all / map / web / phone / email / none]
  • android:font = [the address of font file that existed in assets folders like fonts/Roboto.ttf]

also other tags that you need to use in TextView tag availabel in View section.


the list of tags in ImageView that you can be used and library parse that correctly.

  • android:src = [weblink of image / HexColor(#RRGGBB) / resource(@drawable/)]
  • android:adjustViewBounds = [Boolean]
  • android:cropToPadding = [Boolean]
  • android:scaleType = [center / centerCrop / fitXY / centerInside / fitCenter / fitEnd / fitStart / matrix]
  • android:tint = [Hex Color (#RRGGBB)]
  • android:tintMode = [ add/ multiply/ screen/ src_atop/ src_in / src_over]

also other tags that you need to use in ImageView tag availabel in View section.


In each view you can define onClick event. Also you can add multiple action on each view by divide each one of them with "|". For example onClick = "Toast|StartActivity" shows a toast and then start a activity that you defined.

  • Start Another Activity: if you want to on perform click goes to another activity you must define "onClick" tag and "activity" tag and optional "extras" tag as below:

    • android:onClick = [StartActivity]
    • android:activity = [(the complete name of activity with package name)]
    • optional android:extras = [XmlJson]
  • Call an APi as Fire and Forget:
    if you want to on perfom click call an API as a fire and forget you must define "onClick" tag and "url" tag and "method" tag and "body" tag and also "header" tag as below:

    • android:onClick = [CallApi]
    • android:url = [(the url of api)]
    • android:method = [GET/POST/DELETE/PUT]
    • android:body = [XmlJson]
    • android:header = [XmlJson]
  • Call an APi for get new Xml:
    if you want to on perfon click call an API and get new XML to show to user, You must define "onClick" tag and "url" tag as below (remember the response of api must be pure xml):

    • android:onClick = [NewXMl]
    • android:url = [(the url of api)]
  • Finish Activity: if yout want finish this activity just set "onClick" tag to "Finish":

    • android:onClick = [Finish]
  • Toast: if you want show a toast to user you must define "onClick" tag and "toast" tag as below:

    • android:onClick = [Toast]
    • android:toast = [(the string that you want show to user)]
  • SharedPreferences: if you want to change the shared preferences you must defin "onClick" tag, "preferences", "key", "value" and "valueType" as below:

    • android:onClick = [SharedPreferences]
    • android:preferences = [the name of shared preferences]
    • android:key = [tha name of key that you want change that]
    • android:value = [the value that you want update]
    • android:valueType = [String, Integer, Float, Long, Boolean]


Maybe sometime you want dont show any view and just go to another page of your application. For this purpose you must provide string that start with "goto:" text instead of regular XML string. And in continue add json with three keys; "package" key for the package of your app, "activity" key for spec the activity you want go to (remember the name of activity and package of activity together), "extras" key for data that you want send to activity, the format of extras value is XmlJson and can be empty if you had no data to send to activity.


The XmlJson is a format that made by myself for parsing json in xml. A key value string which separate each key value from another with '|' and separate each key from each value with '$' (exmaple: key1$value1|key2$value2). Also if you want to declare the format of value you can add format class before value and seprate that from value with '~' (exmaple: key1$Integer~value1|key2$String~value2). All format that supported is Integer, String, Boolean, Float, Long.


a library that parsing xml android view into view object






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