River Reports is a site designed to allow a user to sign into an account and record river data and information in a format that can easily be shared with other users or saved as a private memo. There is also a stories section where users can record and share their adventures in a format that relies less on river conditon informtion.
Visit the site here: https://secure-savannah-28094.herokuapp.com/
##Technologies used
- Languages- HTML5, CSS3, javascript
- Libraries/frameworks- Node, Express, MongoDB, Bootstrap
- Design- Wireframes built with Mockingbird
- Project planning- Trello
- Text editor- Atom
- Users can log into an account and create either river reports or write stories -reports contain important data such as river level, weather conditions -stories are longer entries that are less specific about beta, and more about the overall experience
- Users can decide whether they want their report to be public or private
- Users can flag a report with a danger icon, letting others know of a hazardous river condition
Trello board: https://trello.com/b/w6qn36nQ/project-2
##Future Development
- Allow users to comment on reports and stories.
- Allow users to post pictures.
- Pull in an external api to show users weather conditions for certain rivers.