PixelContainer is a control that allows you to display an image (with Stretch attribute) and then add child controls that can be positioned and sized using the pixel as a unit. Very handy for Bitmap oriented applications !
<my:PixelContainer Source="Assets/Mario.png" Stretch="Uniform">
<Button my:Pixel.X="100" my:Pixel.Y="100" my:Pixel.Width="200" my:Pixel.Height="80" HorizontalAlignement="Stretch" VerticalAlignement="Stretch" Content="Hello" />
In this example, the Pixel Container show the image "Mario.png" then add a Button at the position 100,100 and a size of 200,80 in pixels.
For more examples and a complete description of PixelContainer, follow this link :
Compatibility : UWP/WPF
An example of PixelContainer with an image and XAML controls as children. You can see how the Stretch attribute change the image size and proportion but not the position (and the size for the button) of controls.