NOTE This repo has been archived and the sample has been moved to:
This is a sample of a Java Spring app that works with Tilt and the Tanzu Application Platform.
- kubectl CLI
- Tilt version >= v0.23.2
- Tanzu CLI and the apps plugin v0.2.0 which are provided as part of Tanzu Application Platform
- A cluster with Tanzu Application Platform, and the "Default Supply Chain", plus its dependencies. This supply chains is part of Tanzu Application Platform.
Start the app deployment by running:
tilt up
You can hit the spacebar to open the UI in a browser.
If you see an "Update error" message like the one below, then just follow the instructions and allow that context:
Stop! tap-beta2 might be production. If you're sure you want to deploy there, add: allow_k8s_contexts('tap-beta2') to your Tiltfile. Otherwise, switch k8s contexts and restart Tilt.