If you own a TP-Link HS110 smart plug, that is a plug equiped with a meter, then this provides a script to measure the consumption live (every second) and write it into CSV.
It also comes with a little gnuplot script to plot ugly but informative live graphs.
No. This was done in 1h for fun. It is delivered as it with no guarantee. Have fun of your own!
It was only tested on Linux.
This just relies on the awesome the pyHS100 python package to access smart devices.
It might easily be installed using something like:
pip3 install pyHS100
- or maybe sudo pip3 install pyHS100
Download this package or clone the repository.
If you want to plot the curves using the gnuplot commands, then you better install it.
python3 pluggy.py
will download data into a novel file. Use Ctrl+C to stop it.
gnuplot draw.gnuplot
will plot the data graphically, dynamically and write it into PNG as well.