A simple Spotify Logger
Ever been in the middle of a 500 songs long Spotify playlist and suddenly lost your position? Or do you often switch playlists and want to finish where you left off? With SpotLog you don't have to keep track manually, just open it to log the last played song or keep it running in the background. SpotLog is the next best thing to a bookmark feature in the Spotify app.
- Log songs when the app is open, or
- Automatically log songs in background (enable in settings)
- Play logged song in Spotify
- QuickSettings tile for easy logging if you don't want background service running
SpotLog has a very small footprint so it won't drain your battery. No permissions - no worries.
SpotLog needs 'Device Broadcast Status' to be enabled manually in Spotify settings to work.
- undo snackbar
- connect to Spotify rest api (dl album images/direct play from app)