A conan recipe to build a python virtual environment. This should be used in conjunction with the CMakePythonDeps generator.
First, add the mtolympus
remote to your conan configuration
$ conan remote add mtolympus-conan https://mtolympus.jfrog.io/artifactory/api/conan/mtolympus-conan
Below are two minimal examples of how to use this package. This essentially requires the consumer to specify this package as a requirement, and then to customise the environment by providing a JSON list of requirements to be installed into the python virtual environment.
The first, below, demonstrates how to specify these requirements directly in the consumer conanfile.py
class VirtualenvConsumerConan(ConanFile):
name = "venv-consumer"
version = "0.1.0"
python_requires = "cmake-python-deps/[>=0.3.0]@mtolympus/stable"
def requirements(self):
# Specify the requirements directly within the consumer conanfile.py
self.options["python-virtualenv"].requirements = json.dumps([
def generate(self):
py = self.python_requires["cmake-python-deps"].module.CMakePythonDeps(self)
The second, below, demonstrates how to read these requirements in from a requirements.txt
that lives within the project root. Note that in this example, the requirements.txt
file needs to be included in the exports_sources
field in order to be read.
class VirtualenvConsumerConan(ConanFile):
name = "venv-consumer"
version = "0.1.0"
# Sources are located in the same place as this recipe, copy them to the recipe
exports_sources = "requirements.txt"
python_requires = "cmake-python-deps/[>=0.3.0]@mtolympus/stable"
def requirements(self):
# Read the requirements from a requirements.txt within the project root
with pathlib.Path("requirements.txt").open() as requirements_txt:
self.options["python-virtualenv"].requirements = json.dumps([
str(requirement) for requirement in pkg_resources.parse_requirements(requirements_txt)
def generate(self):
py = self.python_requires["cmake-python-deps"].module.CMakePythonDeps(self)
Both of these examples utilise the CMakePythonDeps generator, which is shipped with the pyvenv python_requires package. This will generate CMake targets for the executables installed into this virtual environment.
A working exemplar recipe can be found in sphinx-consumer