Counter-Attack is an adversarial metadefense that uses adversarial attacks to identify non-robust inputs. This repo is the companion code of the paper "Computational Asymmetries in Robust Classification".
- Clone this repo
cd counter-attack
pip install -r requirements.txt
orconda install -r requirements.txt
- For CUDA support, install a CUDA-compatible PyTorch version following the instructions here
- For MIP support, install MipVerify.jl v0.2.2 and Gurobi. All package versions are reported in version_info.txt
For most actions, the entry point is
. Use python --help
for a list of commands.
In addition to the main entry point, we provide a series of analysis scripts in ./analysis. They can be run on their own from the root folder, e.g.:
python analysis/ --help
Note that most analysis scripts automatically save their results in a given folder.
We also include the Python scripts that were designed to be run in an HPC cluster. They can be found in ./batch_processing. The HPC scripts provide an all-in-one management workflow for training, attacking and collecting the results. Similarly to analysis scripts, they can be run on their own.
The pretrained weights are available anonymously here. Most scripts will expect to find the weights for standard and adversarial models in trained-models/classifiers/[standard, adversarial]/, while for ReLU they are usually in trained-models/classifiers/relu/relu-pruned. Note that ReLU models use ReLU masking and therefore often need to be loaded with the --masked-relu
The adversarial examples are available anonymously at the following links:
The datasets can be loaded as follows:
import utils
dataset = utils.load_zip('/path/to/the/')
The chosen indices for UG100 are reported in mnist_indices_intersection.json and cifar10_indices_intersection.json.
For ease of study, we also include the distances of the adversarial examples in JSON format. They can be found in ./analysis/distances.
We provide three attack parameter sets:
- original_mip_attack_configuration.cfg, which was used as a warm-up heuristic for MIPVerify
- default_attack_configuration.cfg, which is referred to in the paper as the "strong" attack set. The default and original_mip sets are equivalent for CIFAR10
- balanced_attack_configuration.cfg, which is a simplified version of the default attack set.
Attack configuration files follow a "specific-beats-generic" logic: if there is a parameter provided for both MNIST and MNIST Linf, the MNIST Linf value is chosen (as long as we are attacking a MNIST model with a Linf attack).
Train a CIFAR10 C classifier for 100 epochs with data augmentation and early stopping with patience = 10:
python train-classifier mnist c std:train 100 /your/path/here.pth --flip --translation 0.1 --rotation 15 --early-stopping 10
Train a MNIST A classifier for 200 epochs with PGD adversarial training and eps = 0.01:
python train-classifier mnist a std:train 200 /your/path/here.pth --adversarial-training pgd --adversarial-p linf --adversarial-ratio 1 --adversarial-eps 0.01
Train a CIFAR10 B classifier for 200 epochs with L1 and RS regularization (with RS minibatch = 32):
python train-classifier mnist a std:train 200 /your/path/here.pth --l1-regularization 1e-5 --rs-regularization 1e-4 --rs-eps 0.01 --rs-minibatch 32
Compute the accuracy of a CIFAR10 A model on the test set with batch size = 256:
python accuracy cifar10 a std:test --state-dict-path /your/path/here.pth --batch-size 256
Run a Carlini Linf attack against a MNIST C model and show the first 5 successful results:
python attack mnist c std:test carlini linf --state-dict-path /your/path/here.pth --show 5
Compare a Deepfool Linf attack with a BIM Linf attack against a CIFAR10 A model on genuines with index 500, 501, 502, 503 and 504:
python compare cifar10 a std:test [bim, deepfool] linf --state-dict-path /your/path/here.pth --start 500 --stop 505
Prune the weights of a MNIST B model with L1 magnitude less than 0.01:
python prune-weights mnist b /original/path.pth /new/path.pth 0.01
Prune the ReLUs of a CIFAR10 A model that are constant on 90% of the train dataset (with PGD Linf training and eps = 0.01):
python prune-relu cifar10 a std:train pgd linf 1 0.01 /original/path.pth /new/path.pth 0.9
Train and prune a MNIST C model with ReLU training:
python batch_processing/ mnist c relu
Run both heuristic and MIP attacks on the CIFAR10 A model (trained with adversarial training), using the original_mip set, on indices from 100 (included) to 200 (excluded):
python batch_processing/ cifar10 a adversarial original 100 200
Determine the best pool of a given size for the MNIST balanced set (convergence atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-10):
python analysis/ mnist balanced 1e-5 1e-10
Determine the composition of the chosen MNIST indices:
python analysis/ mnist
Perform quantile calibration on CIFAR10 strong (convergence atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-10, folds = 5)
python analysis/ cifar10 strong 1e-5 1e-10 5
The license for our code can be found in ./LICENSE. We also report the licenses for the three used datasets (MNIST, CIFAR10 and UG100, our original dataset) in ./dataset_licenses.