an experiment using enoki
to vectorize material models
- clone the repo with
git clone --recursive
- configure CMake
cd material_benchmarks
cmake . -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release
- build the project
cmake --build build
- run the performance comparison (output from a Skylake-X machine with AVX512 instructions)
$ cd build
$ ./perf_test
NeoHookean model comparison test
generating input data ...
naive implementation: 0.107443s per run
vectorized implementation: 0.0450564s per run
relative frobenius error (stress): 4.17544e-16
J2 plasticity model comparison test
generating input data ...
naive J2 implementation: 0.332499s per run
vectorized J2 implementation: 0.131363s per run
relative frobenius error (F): 0
relative frobenius error (be_bar): 3.22516e-15
relative frobenius error (tau): 2.25052e-15
relative frobenius error (alpha): 9.12279e-19
CMake will emit assembly files (*.s
) in the build directory. These can be inspected, or analyzed with the bash script
(note: this script analyzes the entire file, so to get a function-by-function breakdown, one must extract the assembly for that function into its own file).
Two example files are included, from the assembly generated for a Skylake-X machine:
cd /path/to/material_benchmarks/assembly
$ ./ J2_plasticity_scalar_x86.s
128-bit instructions: 451
256-bit instructions: 29
512-bit instructions: 0
$ ./ J2_plasticity_simd_x86.s
128-bit instructions: 1
256-bit instructions: 0
512-bit instructions: 467