This project is an example of how to make a dApp (Application with ethereum). In this case I have created an application that creates bank accounts with a currency or token called samuTokens, it is essential to have metamask in the browser. In this dApp you can create new accounts taking as reference the address of the active account in metamask, you can transfer samu tokens, get the balance of your account and if you are the owner (the account that has deployed the contract) you can increase the samuTokens of the application.
These instructions will allow you to get a copy of the project running on your local machine for development and testing purposes:
Clone the proyect:
git clone
See Deployment to know how to deploy the project.
For can run this proyect you need the next:
- Node (Version 8 or higher)
- Truffle
- Metamask -->
- Ganache (For to be able to have fake accounts and import them in metamask)
The first step open a terminal inside the proyect and go to samuTokens-back folder
cd samuTokens-back
Then you have to install all the dependencies
npm install
NOTE: Before deploying the contract you need to start ganache
Finally compile and deploy the BankContract with truffle
truffle compile
truffle deploy
Run the tests with truffle, with the next command:
truffle test
Run the coverage test, with the next command:
npm run coverage
The first step open a terminal inside the proyect and go to samuTokens-front folder
cd samuTokens-front
Then you have to install all the dependencies
npm install
Finally you can init the application
npm run start