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Lesson: using typed predicates in your models

Justin Coyne edited this page Jan 20, 2014 · 6 revisions

Sometimes it is enough to fill in a string containing a date for the created_date, but in this case, let's say we want to store the field into solr with a date type. We can declare the type of a field by giving the field a block that asserts the type is :date:

class DublinCoreDatastream < ActiveFedora::NtriplesRDFDatastream
  map_predicates do |map|
    map.title(in: RDF::DC)
    map.created(in: RDF::DC) do |index| :stored_searchable
      index.type :date
class MyObj < ActiveFedora::Base
  has_metadata 'descMetadata', type: DublinCoreDatastream

Now let's add a created date:

asset =
=> #<DublinCoreDatastream @pid="" @dsid="descMetadata" @controlGroup="M" changed="false" @mimeType="text/plain" >
>> asset.created = Date.parse('1952-02-23')
=> Sat, 23 Feb 1952
>> asset.created.first.class
=> Date
>> puts asset.graph.dump(:ntriples)
<> <> "1952-02-23Z"^^<> .
>> puts asset.to_solr

As you see, the created attribute is in solr with a suffix of _dtsim, where the dt represents date, and not a string literal.

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