Monte Carlo Pi Approximation in Python. This is only intended as a demo project.
Monte Carlo simulations work by shaping random number generators in a way that mimics real life. If the shaping is correct, performing many runs of a simulation will converge on the correct answer. You can also add in some statistics.
MontyCarloPiThon works by estimating the area of a circle and a square, and using some simple maths to estimate pi from the ratio of those areas. It also watches how it converges on the real value of pi and plots the error.
- PiCalculatorPython: slow pi calculator written in pure Python.
- Plot: plots the simulation hits, convergence of pi and error with matplotlib.
- Plotly interactive plotting
- Output to browser
- GUI in browser
- PiCalculator in NumPy
- PiCalculator in C/C++ and linking to it
- Running Python in the browser
- Write a website
- Free software: GNU General Public License v3
- Documentation: