"The cosmos is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be." - Carl Sagan
Cosmos is an iOS app that displays daily images and videos from our universe while keeping in mind a minimal and user-friendly design. The app was born from a strong desire to learn more about space and software development. I wanted to learn about the app development process by building an app from scratch and releasing it on the App Store.
Building this app taught me more about:
- UIKit and Auto Layout
- Networking
- Accessibility
- Sharing
- Testing
- App Store Connect
- The app submition proccess
The content feature in this app comes from NASA's APOD API — a service that has been offering daily pictures of our universe since 1995. It contains the largest collection of annotated astronomical images on the internet.
Building this app has been a rewarding experience. Please, feel free to contribute by looking at the pending issues on the Issues tab on GitHub. I'll try to keep it updated with new features and bugs 🐛.
Cosmos: Discover Our Universe is on the App Store!
- Samuel Yanez ~ samyanez94
MIT © Samuel Yanez