I am a technology person having over 15+ years on technology. I specialize in interfacing with teams, breaking down the requirements and matching and identifying technologies to the business needs.
I am fairly hands on with technology and am currently building digital marketing platform for a client. Kubernetes and Docker solutions are the way to go to ease out deployment issues and it is my technology solution for my current project on AWS/Linode cloud servers.
Technology Stack:
Platform: NodeJS
Language: Javascript, ReactJS
Data repository: CouchDb, REDIS, FireStore
Load Balancer: Nginx, Envoy Proxy Contour. Ingress Controllers
Cloud Native: Kubernetes, AWS, Google Cloud and Linode Services and CDN: Service-API Gateway: Express-Gateway, Istio, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, Cloudinary, Toronto Real Estate board.
Tools: Visual Studio code, Docker, Kubernetes, Wordstream, awk, sed, vim, grep