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Docker Development Environment




In order to use the docker develop environment, you need a proper configured docker environment. For now only linux is supported.

Getting started

Clone repository, copy .env.sample to .env, edit .env to your needs.

Create any volume missing from this list:


then run

bin/dde init

Finish the setup with

source ~/.bashrc

Finally, create a symlink from your ${DOCKER_VOLUME_BASE_PATH}/vhosts to the base directory containing your projects, e.g.:

ln -s ~/workspace vhosts

The docker develop environment is now ready to go, try it out by creating a new project and copying .env.dde.sample to the new project directory as .env.dde. Then add some containers to the variable DOCKER_CONTAINER, e.g. php-cli-82, and some containers to the DEFAULT_CONTAINER variable. Multiple containers can be added to the first by giving a comma separated list, only one container is supported for the second variable. You can get a list of available services by typing

dde list

or search for supported PHP-Versions by typing

dde list | grep php

When changing in your freshly created project directory, type

dde start

to start any of the services defined in the DOCKER_CONTAINER variable. Once the image is pulled and the container started, type

dde bash

to start an interactive bash session into that container.


Refactored with bashly init with

$ alias bashly='docker run --rm -it --user $(id -u):$(id -g) --volume "$PWD:/app" dannyben/bashly' $ bashly generate

Your local projects are mounted into the respective containers from the mount point /path/to/this/repo/vhosts

So ideally you would symlink your projects directory to this location (./vhosts).

Apache vhosts are configured in the .docker/apache/conf/vhosts directory. You can create a new .conf file per vhost. They are automatically loaded when starting/restarting your apache container.

If you do not use .localhost under linux, remember to edit your local hosts file when adding new vhosts.

Initialisation and commands

There are some commands which - together with .env files will facilate your work. Copy .env.sample to .env and possibly make changes according to your system.

Copy .env.project-sample to your projects root file (if not under version control) and edit settings therein.

The command bin/dde-init will set DOCKER_DEV_ENVIRONMENT_HOME in your .bashrc and add ${DOCKER_DEV_ENVIRONMENT_HOME}/bin to your ${PATH}.

Then you can start all the needed containers by invoking

$ dde-start

in your project root dir, call

$ dde-cli [some-command]

to start a (php-)cli container and execute [some-command] inside the container. If you need to run some composer actions, there ist the command

$ dde-composer [commands and flags]

To rebuild all containers use

$ dde-rebuild

If you need to restart a single or multiple containers (e.g. your apache configuration or php-fpm configuration has changed) you can use

$ dde-restart [service or services]

Finally, if all the work is done and you want to save resources, you can just use

$ dde-down

to stop all the containers.

Startup (old?)

docker-compose up

To individually rebuild a container, run

docker-compose build containername

To rebuild all containers, run

docker-compose up --build

To kill all containers, run

docker-compose kill

To SSH into a specific container, run

docker exec -it containername /bin/bash

Container communication

All containers communicate on a single network layer. If you want to reach a container from another container, then the container name can be used as a host name. Docker automatically resolves those (container) host names to the corresponding container ip.

Apache Macros

For each php version there is a single macro ready to be used in your vhosts, e.g.:

<VirtualHost "*:${HTTP_PORT}">
    ServerName example.localhost
    DocumentRoot "${VHOSTROOT}/example-project"
    Use PHP73 "${VHOSTROOT}/example-project"

Be careful to have at least one line break after the last </VirtualHost> statement.

Using xdebug under PHPStorm

Just add a run configuration using your example.localhost adding a path matching

Solr Cores

To configure your own solr cores you can symlink your core config directories to ./solr-771-data/your_core. On top of this symlink.

Upgrading from Version <= 20.07.17

Resetting Volumes, Images and Container

Since the way the local volumes are mounted changed dramatically between these versions, you have to remove the docker volumes and rebuild all containers. Your local volumes are kept in this action:

$ for container in `docker container ls | grep dev-environment | awk '{print $1}'`; do docker container rm -f $container; done
$ for image in `docker image ls | grep dev-environment | awk '{print $1}'`; do docker image rm $image; done
$ for volume in `docker volume ls | grep dev-environment | awk '{print $2}'`; do docker volume rm $volume; done
$ docker volume prune

Custimize PHP Extension

The PHP extensions can now be activated or deactivated under config/php-(cli|fpm)-(number)/etc/php/php.ini and config/php-(cli|fpm)-(number)/etc/php/conf.d/*.ini. Since these are copied from sample data the first time a container is started, you may have to remove previously existing config/php-(cli|fpm)-(number)/etc/php/php.ini file.

No more php-(cli|fpm)-(number)-x Containers / Images

Since the config/php-(cli|fpm)-(number)/etc/php/conf.d/xdebug.ini can now be edited, there is no need to povide special debugging containers. Also the PHP??X apache macros have been removed, you need to change these in your apache vhost conf files.

Customizable bin commands in the PHP-CLI-Containers

The directory /home/phpcli/bin is now mouted to your config/php-cli-(number)/bin dir, so you can put custom commmands there, this is specially handy if you want for instance composer to be selfupdateable: Just type

phpcli@xxxxxxxxx:/project/path/$ curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/home/phpcli/bin --filename=composer

inside your container. It will be found before the composer instance installed while building the image.

SSH Sock mounted as Directory

Since the ssh sock can not be mounted as plain file it is necessary to add


to your .env file. If you are working as another user, please change accordingly.

Rewrite cli

Some ideas on how to rewrite:

  1. mv dde-defines to config/defines
  2. mv dde-xxx to modules/xxx
  3. create dde which behaves "normal"

List of commands and what they should do

dde help: prints general usage dde list: list commands dde help :


Link the cores from Projekt into /opt/solr/server/solr using

solr@63c943baa576:/opt/solr/server/solr$  ln -s /var/www/vhosts/project/conf/Solr/core .

Load cores from webfrontend.

To add additional libs copy them into lib/solr/xx where xx is your verison eg. 77 for 7.7

Apache SSL

Generate CA in Apache-Container

www-data@cc59351899ea:/usr/local/apache2/conf/conf.d/ssl$ ca-gen -v -c DE -l Dresden -o SNM  -n -e key/ca.key crt/ca.crt

Any name and subject can be used, but has to be rembered

Now import crt/ca.crt into your browsers

Then generate Project files

www-data@cc59351899ea:/usr/local/apache2/conf/conf.d/ssl$ cert-gen -v -c DE -l Dresden -o SNM -n bmbb.localhost -e admin@bmbb.localhost -a '*.bmbb.localhost' key/ca.key crt/ca.crt key/bmbb.key csr/bmbb.csr crt/bmbb.crt

use anything for bbmb, in vhost conf add

Use SSL ca bmbb



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