This is a repository for my unix configuration (SO, IT IS MISSNAMED) files which include
- vim
- emacs
- bash profile (mac)
- tmux
#####Cloning: git clone git:// ~/.vim
####Note This repository is no longer mantained. A better way to rename and organise it will be to:
rename it "unixconfigs" Within the unixconfigs dir., have emacs, vim, tmux, bash directories amongst others
Clone this to ~/.unixconfigs/
And then do the syn links
#####Create symlinks:
- ln -s ~/unixconfigs/emacs/ ~/.emacs
- ln -s ~/unixconfigs/vim/ ~/vim
- ln -s ~/unixconfigs/vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
- ln -s ~/unixconfigs/tmux/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
- ln -s ~/unixconfigs/bash/bash_profile ~/.bash_profile ### for mac
#####Switch to the ~/.vim
directory, and fetch vim submodules:
- cd ~/.vim
- git submodule init
- git submodule update
- List of modules/plugins in emacs
- List of modules/plugins in vim
- Overview of bash_profile customisations
- Overview of tmux customisations