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NTD website

Wellcome Sanger Institute NTD website

License: GPL v3


Website structure

The table below gives a brief description of the main landing pages for the site:

File Description
./index.html home/landing page
./about.html general information
./what.html list of NTDS (see Individual NTD pages)
./where.html Map of NTD collaborators (see Updating collaborator information)
./who.html list of NTD researcher stories/blogs (see NTD researcher stories)
./why.html FAQs
./gallery.html responsive gallery of site images (see Images and videos)
./seminar.html seminar details (see Seminars)
./includes/ntds/bacteria list of bacteria for what page (see Individual NTD pages)
./includes/ntds/parasites list of parasites for what page (see Individual NTD pages)

The table below contains the locations of the main components for the site:

Type Location
Stylesheets (CSS) ./css (see Styling)
Javascript (JS) ./js (see Javascript)
Images ./img (see Images and videos)
Videos ./videos (see Images and videos)
Includes ./includes (see Include sections)
Plugins ./plugins (see plugins)
Individual NTD pages ./ntds (see Individual NTD pages)
NTD researcher stories ./blogs (see NTD researcher stories)

Updating the NTD website

  • If you haven't done so, make a fork of the NTD website repository.
  • Make sure your fork is up to date before making any changes!
  • Checkout a new branch e.g. git checkout -b <my_branch>.
  • Make your changes (see sections below), add and commit them.
  • Push your branch to your fork: git push origin <my_branch>.
  • Go to the URL this gives you to merge your changes back to sanger-pathogens.
  • Create and tag a new release (from sanger-pathogens repository).
  • Follow the instructions on the Pathogens wiki to upload the release and make your changes live.


The site comes from a template. Original stylesheets which have extra styles that are not used in the site (but may be in future) can be found in css/original. Both style.css and color-option1.css are reduced versions of the original css files and should only contain styles relevant to the current site.

The main stylesheets used by the site are:

Some of the plugins that the site uses have their own stylesheets which can be found in ./plugins.

N.B. The Font Awesome (./plugins/font-awesome) stylesheet has been reduced to contain only the icons used by the site. Any new icons will need to be added to this stylesheet.

Making changes to stylesheets


Javascript (JS) has been split into separate files to aid loading times and SEO. The main JS files used by the site are:

  • ./js/custom.min.js - JS used across the site
  • ./js/faq.js - JS used for accordian on Who page
  • ./js/homepage-banner.js - JS used for homepage banner
  • ./js/homepage-counter.js - JS used for homepage counter
  • ./js/pugins/simplemaps/mapdata.js - JS uses for map on Where page (see Updating collaborator information)

Making changes to JS

Images and videos


Images are stored in ./img and can be edited/prepared using GIMP. New images should be sent to the NTD RT ( There is a Google Sheets table here which contains the latest information. If you don't have access, please ask Jacqui (jm15), Victoria (vo1), or Nancy (neh) to share it with you. PLEASE CHECK AND ADD THE LICENSING INFORMATION BEFORE PUTTING ON THE LIVE SITE!!

Image sizes

Images can be resized using GIMP:

  • Open the image in GIMP (File > Open).
  • Crop image (scalpel icon) if you think resizing will make it look odd.
  • Resize image (Image -> Scale Image). To be able to enter disproportionate custom sizes, you will need to click the link/chain icon.
  • Save as JPEG image (File > Export As...), accepting default options.

The table below contains more information on where images are stored and their expected sizes:

description page location height (px) width (px)
homepage banner images ./index.html ./img/banner 500 1600
blog thumbnails ./who.html ./img/blogs 350 350
NTD thumbnails ./what.html ./img/ntds/thumbnails 225 300
NTD disease images e.g. ./ntds/cholera.html img/ntds/small 300 undefined
NTD researcher stories e.g. ./blogs/pandemic-on-a-plate.html img/ntds/small 300 undefined
gallery thumbnail ./gallery.html ./img/ntds/small 300 undefined
gallery large ./gallery.html ./img/ntds/large undefined undefined

NTD logo

The template for the NTD logo (./img/logo-ntd) can be opened and edited in GIMP and is found here: ./img/logo-template.


Videos are stored in ./videos and need to be in .mov format.

Adding new images or videos

  • See Updating the NTD website
  • Resize image(s) if required
  • Unless it is a blog author image, add the image to the gallery (./gallery.html). Requires both small and large versions to be prepared for the image(s).
  • Add image details to sitemap here: ./sitemap. Make sure to add the details for the page the image is shown on as well as the small and large versions in the gallery.

Include sections

So we don't use any "backend" languages, several site-wide components have been added as includes. These are:

  • color-bar.html - color bar at top of header
  • navbar.html - navigation panel in header (also navbar-subdir.html which is used on non-root pages)
  • homepage-banner - banner panel on homepage containing images and captions
  • ntd-seminar.html - right-hand sidebar on homepage and seminar page containing seminar details
  • footer.html - footer (also footer-subdir.html which is used on non-root pages)

There is also a set of includes for the categories of NTDs on the What page (./what.htm) e.g. bacteria:

  • ./ntds/bacteria.html - list of thumbnails for bacteria linking to individual disease pages
  • ./ntds/parasites.html - list of thumbnails for parasites linking to individual disease pages

N.B. Any changes to the navbar or the footer need to be made in both the main and -subdir versions.

Individual NTD pages

When adding a new NTD page to the site:

  • See Updating the NTD website
  • Create the new NTD page using the relevant template (./ntds/templates/bacteria-template.html or ./ntds/templates/parasite-template.html)
  • Create a thumbnail image for the NTD (see Images)
  • Add a the thumbnail and NTD disease details to ./what.html
  • Make sure there is a small and large version of any images used in the page (see Images). Add both of these to the gallery (./gallery)
  • Update the sitemap with the new NTD page and image locations

NTD researcher stories

When adding a new researcher story or blog to the site:

  • See Updating the NTD website
  • Create the new researcher story page using the template (./blogs/template.html)
  • Create a thumbnail image of the author (see Images)
  • Add the thumbnail and researcher story details to ./who.html
  • Make sure there is a small and large version of any images used in the page (see Images). Add both of these to the gallery (./gallery). You don't need to add the author image to the gallery.
  • Update the sitemap with the new researcher story page and image locations


Seminar information is found in the right-hand sidebar on both the homepage (./index.html) and the seminar details page (./seminar.html).

  • See Updating the NTD website
  • Update seminar date, time, contact and location information in ./includes/ntd-seminar.html. This will update the sidebar content.
  • Update the seminar details and description in ./seminar.html.

Updating collaborator information

Collaborator information is shown as labels in the map found on the Where page.

There is a Google Sheets table here which contains the latest information. If you don't have access, please ask Jacqui (jm15), Victoria (vo1), or Nancy (neh) to share it with you. Add your changes here before generating the new map. If you don't, your changes may be lost.

Accessing simplemaps

  • Go to simplemaps
  • Click on "World Map" in the top menu and select "Customize Online"
  • Click on "Options" and select "Register Purchase"
  • Enter the order number (see Jacqui Keane) in the text box and click "Submit". You should now see "Licensed" next to the Options button.
  • Click on "Options" and select "View Order Details"
  • The current map is World Map (Bnl3ZB7A). Click "View"

Making map modifications

  • Go to the "Locations" tab.
  • Update map data
    • Option 1: Update existing collaborator details (no new city):- These updates are done in the "Description" column. See map label formatting for more information.
    • Option 2: Update existing collaborator details (new city):- Remove the existing collaborator details from the "Description" column. Add new city with the collaborator details by following the instructions for adding a new location.
    • Option 3: Add a new collaborator to an existing city:- These updates are done in the "Description" column. See map label formatting for more information.
    • Option 4: Add a new collaborator to a new city:- Add new city with the collaborator details by following the instructions adding a new location.

Adding a new city

Where collaborators have moved to a new research center or a new collaborator has been added where there is no city pin on the map, a new location will need to be added.

  • Add the name of the city in the Name column at the bottom of the table.
  • Click "Import Lat/Lng from City/Address". This should update the Lat and Lng columns.
  • Add the collaborator details in the "Description" column (see instructions for description formatting).

You can check your changes on the map above as it updates in real time.

Saving map modifications

If you don't save the edits you have just made, you're going to have to do them all over again next time you want to update something on the map. So...YOU MUST SAVE YOUR CHANGES!!!

  • Go to the "Code" tab and click "Save Mapdata and Reload Map"

Downloading modified map

  • Go to the "Finish" tab.
  • Click on "Download Map (.zip)"
  • Uncompress the folder, you will only need to upload mapdata.js.

Uploading modified map to live site

  • See Updating the NTD website
  • On your branch, you will need to overwrite the mapdata.js in plugins/simplemaps with the mapdata.js file you just downloaded

Map label formatting

Collaborators are grouped by city. Each city has a Lat/Lng value associated with it which determines the position of the marker that is visible on the map. The "Description" column contains the collaborator information.

HTML formatting

The description uses HTML to style the content. The following HTML tags are used:

  • <strong></strong> :- makes text between tags bold
  • <em></em> :- makes text between tags italic
  • <br /> :- adds a new line

See here for more information on HTML tags and their format/function.

Description format

The description for each marker has the following format:

Fields Format
Collaborator name Bold (<strong>)
Institute Normal
Project description Italic

This has to be entered in a single line with line breaks between fields e.g.:

<strong>Collaborator name</strong><br />Institute<br /><em>Project description</em>

And will look like:

Collaborator name
Project description

Add a line break between collaborators e.g.:

<strong>Collaborator name</strong><br />Institute<br /><em>Project description</em><br /><br /><strong>Collaborator name</strong><br />Institute<br /><em>Project description</em>

And will look like:

Collaborator name
Project description

Collaborator name
Project description

Cities with multiple markers

Some cities have been split into multiple rows as there were too many for the formatting to withstand. Each marker can only be associated with up to 4 collaborators. One example is London which has 11 collaborators.

Split the collaborators logically by institution where possible. You can't put 3 markers with a "City" of London as the markers would overlap. To get around this, use more specific locations with enough distance between them e.g. Kew Gardens and Stratford.

You can use the instructions for adding a new city. Instead of using a city (e.g. London), use the specific location (e.g. Kew Gardens) in the City/Address field to calculate the Lat/Lng values. You can then set the Name field to London.

Default settings (DO NOT UPDATE!)

Setting Value
Color #bd002f
Size 25
Type marker
Opacity 0.8


NTD website is free software, licensed under GPLv3.


Please report any issues to the issues page or email