This is more or less a line for line port of the opensurf project released under the 3 clause BSD license. The original project is available at: This project is up to date through revision 86 on the trunk branch of opensurf.
This is a pretty small set of code, folks were having trouble getting it to work correctly (to be fair I forgot a couple of files ;)) so I included an ant buildfile. It's really only got three commands:
ant compile - This will compile the files
ant example - This will run an example which will show and compare the interest points for two images of the White House
ant clean - Cleans out the build directory files
- The project has been Mavenized and refactored to follow Maven source structure
- The Apache Commons-Math library has been upgraded to version 3.2
- The serialVersionUID has been changed to generated ones
- A resource leak has been resolved
- Removed dependency on com.stromberglabs.commons JAR - the needed interface has been included in this codebase itself.
The latest production release can be found at:
This is a Mavenized version of the original project.
The project follows the original 3 clause BSD license.