Retrieval-Based Prompt Selection for Code-Related Few-Shot Learning, Published at IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2023.
- Install conda package manager.
Create python environment with required dependencies (for example,
# The following steps create an isolated environment codex-env and install the required dependencies.
conda create --name codex-env python=3.9 # creates the codex-env environment
conda activate codex-env # activates the codex-env environment
conda install openai # installs dependency - openai
pip install backoff
pip install edit_distance
conda install difflib
conda install matplotlib
conda install plotly
conda install scipy
conda install sklearn
pip install tenacity
pip install suffix-trees
pip install lizard
conda install gensim
pip install rank_bm25
- We have to compress large files in order to upload them to GitHub.
- Please uncompress these files before running the code.
- For example, uncompress this file before running the code.
We use sentence-transformers to generate embeddings for the code snippets.
conda create -n semantic-embedding --file embedding-prereq.txt # create the semantic-embedding environment
conda install -c pytorch faiss-cpu # install faiss-cpu
To install sentence-transformers
, please follow the instructions from here.
For linux environment, as stated in the above link, sentence-transformers gets installed using the following command: pip install -U sentence-transformers
However, for mac with m1 chip, we had to run the following commands to get it installed:
conda list openmp
conda unistall intel-openmp
conda install -c conda-forge sentence-transformers
We use vector database lite (like SQLITE but for vector search). vdblite library details could be found here.
pip install vdblite
Set OpenAI key:
export OPENAI_API_KEY=<your-key>
Run the following script, to run the experiments for atlas
Run the following script, to run the experiments for tfix
For all the different configurations, please use command line parameters accordingly. More details about the command line parameters could be found in the and files. Also, each folder contains a README file with more details.
After running the experiments, results are saved in the folder: ./codex/framework/results/
Run the following script, to see the evaluation metrics.
python evaluation/ ./results.csv