Configures LDAP Database using net-ldap gem and chef.
net-ldap gem
digest gem(goes natively in latest chef-solo/chef-client package)
core.schema(moved sn attribute from person objectclass from must to may section)
nis.schema(added groupname attribute for searching in this library for posixGroup objectclass)
Default action is process.
But if you want to manipulate the resourse you need to user attribute make.
Which can have 3 values:
-create (Creates entry.But do not modifies it if it exists)
-delete (Deletes entry if it exists)
-rebuild (This value you should use if you need to modify an entry.It simply sequentialy executes "delete" and then "create" values)
Please make sure that entry you are installing is having properly builded tree. So if you want to install cn=test,ou=test1,ou=test,dc=exmaple,dc=com you should have this entry available u=test1,ou=test,dc=exmaple,dc=com. Otherwise you will recieve an exception. Also please avoid of attributes duplicates.
server_ip = ""
domain = "dc=example,dc=com"
root_user = "cn=root,#{domain}"
root_pass = "secretpassword"
#Creates initial entry for domain
ldap_domain "" do
host server_ip
username root_user
password root_pass
#Creates ou=test, from base entry.So it will be : ou=test,dc=example,dc=com
ldap_organizationalUnit "test" do
host server_ip
username root_user
password root_pass
domain ""
#Creates ou=testi1, from ou=test entry in base domain.So it will be : ou=test1,ou=test,dc=example,dc=com
ldap_organizationalUnit "test1" do
host server_ip
username root_user
password root_pass
domain ""
parents ["test"] #Parents attribute accepts ou entries list in array.Later it will concatenate it generating DN entry
#Creates internal ldap user which can be granted privileges for reading,writing.
ldap_person "client" do
host server_ip
username root_user
password root_pass
domain ""
person_pass "test1234" #For password will be generated sha string.And it will be stored in LDAP not in plain view
make "rebuild"
ldap_person "client2" do
host server_ip
parents ["test"] #Parents attribute accepts ou entries list in array.Later it will concatenate it generating DN entry
username root_user
password root_pass
domain ""
person_pass "test1234" #For password will be generated sha string.And it will be stored in LDAP not in plain view
make "rebuild"
#Creates posix group for linux group usage.
ldap_posixGroup "test" do
host server_ip
gid 5555
username root_user
password root_pass
domain ""
make "rebuild"
ldap_posixGroup "test1" do
host server_ip
parents ["test"] #Parents attribute accepts ou entries list in array.Later it will concatenate it generating DN entry
gid 5556
username root_user
password root_pass
domain ""
#Creates posix user for linux user usage.
ldap_posixAccount "test" do
user_password "test1234" #For password will be generated sha string.And it will be stored in LDAP not in plain view
host server_ip
uid 5555
gid 5555
username root_user
password root_pass
domain ""
ldap_posixAccount "test123" do
user_password "test1234"
host server_ip
parents ["test"]
shell "/sbin/nologin"
home_dir "/home/test321"
uid 5588
gid 5588
username root_user
password root_pass
domain ""
make "rebuild"
#Creates sudo privileges for desired user.
ldap_sudoRole "test" do
sudo_command1 "rm -rf *"
sudo_command2 "/etc/init.d"
sudo_command3 "tail -f /var/log/*"
parents ["SUDOers"]
host server_ip
username root_user
password root_pass
domain ""