A few libraries for nuvoton N76E003. N76E003AT20 are an inexpensive family of 8051 MCUs made by nuvoton, taiwan. they are made to be a drop in replacement for STM8S003F3P6 8 bit microcontrollers which are inexpensive and somehow revolutionary, in a market flooded by poor peripheral, pricey atmel and microchips. (well we didn't know they were pricey until STM made those chips!).
anyway, these nuvotons worth a try too. so here are some useful libraries I wrote for them. to use them, you need to :
- include a peripheral driver according to the library (e.g. i2c_handler). these libraries are just general purpose drivers for various peripherals. they are not specific to libraries provided. you may use them for other things too. and they are written in a similar syntax to other drivers like those of provided by atmel for its AVRs.
- include the library in your project.
- read the header files and the example project to find out what you got and how to use them.
- done :)