Contour-Aware Long-term Tracking with Reliable Re-detection(TCSVT)
Code for the CALT proposed in the paper Contour-Aware Long-term Tracking with Reliable Re- detection
----CALT master-------
The CALT tracker with hand-crafted features is in the sub file CALT master. just start Matlab and run the runTracker.m.
----Example:integrating proposed re-detection module into some other DCF based trackers-------
Example: MCCT-H(CVPR2018), Staple(CVPR2016),DSST(BMVC2014). this part will come soon!
Some codes of this work are adopted from previous trackers (Staple, MCCT-H).
- L. Bertinetto, J. Valmadre, S. Golodetz, O. Miksik, and P. Torr. "Staple: Complementary learners for real-time tracking," In CVPR, 2016.
- N. Wang, W. Zhou, Q. Tian, R. Hong, M. Wang, and H. Li, "Multi-cue correlation filters for robust visual tracking," in CVPR, 2018.
- N. Wang, W. Zhou, and H. Li, “Reliable re-detection for long-term tracking,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2019.