It is highly modified version of neovim optimised for the most productive workflow.
Coming Soon
I am glad you asked. Macsimus = e(macs) + v(im) + us. The editor takes inspiration from the best features of emacs and vim and is made for us.
The following will install this config if you have an existing config it will move it to ~/.config/nvim.old
This script only supports Mac, Ubuntu and Arch
bash <(curl -s
brew install --HEAD neovim # Nightly version brew upgrade neovim --fetch-HEAD # Sometimes you need to update
Option 1
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neovim-ppa/unstable sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install neovim
Option 2
curl -LO -o /tmp/nvim.appimage sudo mv /tmp/nvim.appimage /usr/local/bin/nvim chmod +x /usr/local/bin/nvim
yay -S neovim-git # Latest
git clone ~/.config/nvim
pip install pynvim
npm i -g neovim
pip install neovim-remote
This will install nvr
to ~/.local/bin
so you will need to add the following to your bashrc
or zshrc
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
On Mac pbcopy should be builtin
sudo apt install xsel
sudo pacman -S xsel
Make sure to add these paths somewhere in your config
let g:python3_host_prog = expand("<path to python with pynvim installed>")
let g:python3_host_prog = expand("~/.miniconda/envs/neovim/bin/python3.8") " <- example
let g:node_host_prog = expand("<path to node with neovim installed>")
let g:node_host_prog = expand("~/.nvm/versions/node/v12.16.1/bin/neovim-node-host") " <- example
- ranger
- ueberzug
- ripgrep
- lazy git
- lazy docker
Explanations and installation instruction can be found on my blog
Since CoC doesn't support all languages in there extensions
I recommend installing some language servers from scratch
and adding them to your coc-settings.json
npm i -g bash-language-server
"languageserver": { "bash": { "command": "bash-language-server", "args": ["start"], "filetypes": ["sh"], "ignoredRootPaths": ["~"] } }
To use TabNine enter the following in a buffer:
NOTE This extension can take up a ton of memory
To use vim-gists you will need to configure the following:
git config --global github.user <username>
I use a custom NERD Patched DankMono Font. But if that is a little expensive for you, FiraCode also works well with the theme.
- Try integrating Telescope.nvim
If markdown preview is not working, try doing :call mkdp#util#install()
This project is a very contribution friendly project. All sorts of contributions are public and are licenced under GPL3 licence. Being said that, I am announcing myself as the T.L.S(The Leader Supreme) of this project.
I am open to all kinds of discussions but I hold the veto to block/stop them when I feel like they are not adding any value.
Since this project is very deep integrated with my work flow, I will not accept any request that makes this project slower or makes it even a little unusable for me. However, if you think that there is something that will improve this project feel free to open a PR without any hesitation.
Read this line again :)
I hope you all enjoy the project. Show some appreciation by starring ⭐ the project?