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A simple starter to get up and developing your digital curriculum with GatsbyJS


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Gatsby's CV starter

Create your resume in a few minutes with this totally responsive starter using React. Show off your skills, work experiences and activities in github.


  • About
  • Skills
  • Job experiences
  • Github repositories
  • Portifolio


  • Responsive Design, optimized for Mobile devices
  • Google Analytics
  • SEO
  • PWA
  • Dark mode
  • Animations

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🚀 Quick start

  1. Create a Gatsby site.

    Use the Gatsby CLI to create a new site, specifying the default starter.

    # create a new Gatsby site using the default starter
    npx gatsby new my-default-starter
  2. Start developing.

    Navigate into your new site’s directory and start it up.

    cd my-default-starter/
    npm run develop
  3. Open the source code and start editing!

    Your site is now running at http://localhost:8000!

    _Note: You'll also see a second link: http://localhost:8000/___graphql. This is a tool you can use to experiment with querying your data. Learn more about using this tool in the Gatsby tutorial._

    Open the my-default-starter directory in your code editor of choice and edit src/pages/index.js. Save your changes and the browser will update in real time!

  4. Generate production build

    That command will generate a production build on public folder

      npm run build
  5. Deploy to Github pages

    That command will deploy the production build to gh-pages branch of your repository

    ⚠️ don't forget to check pathPrefix in the configuration file.

      npm run deploy


Update the configuration file with your data. The configuration file is in data/siteConfig.js

⚠️ NOTE: Please change googleAnalyticsId to your ID. See for details.

Skills is a set of your personal skills and their respective levels ranging from > 0 to 100. jobs is a set of your work experiences

  module.exports = {
    siteTitle: 'Hi! I\'m Francisco!',
    siteDescription: `Create your online curriculum in just a few minutes with this starter`,
    keyWords: ['gatsbyjs', 'react', 'curriculum'],
    authorName: 'Francisco Santos',
    twitterUsername: '_franciscodf',
    githubUsername: 'santosfrancisco',
    authorAvatar: '/images/avatar.jpeg',
    authorDescription: `Developer, passionate about what I do. Always interested in how the sites were made, I started to study HTML by hobby. <br />
      In 2012 I started working as a support technician and I approached the developers.
      In 2015, I started to study C # and started to contribute with the team giving maintenance in an application in C # and .NET. <br />
      I currently work as a frontend developer and mainly work with <strong>Javascript, NodeJS e React.</strong>`,
    skills: [
        name: 'HTML',
        level: 70
        name: 'CSS',
        level: 60
        name: 'Javascript',
        level: 50
        name: 'NodeJs',
        level: 40
        name: 'React',
        level: 60
        name: 'Git',
        level: 70
      /* more skills here */
    jobs: [
      /* more jobs here */
        company: "Gympass",
        begin: {
          month: 'sep',
          year: '2019'
        duration: null,
        occupation: "Frontend developer",
        description: "I am part of the Corporate team, responsible for the development and maintenance of the employee management platform, giving more and more autonomy to partner companies."
      },  {
        company: "Lendico",
        begin: {
          month: 'apr',
          year: '2018'
        duration: null,
        occupation: "Frontend developer",
        description: "I integrate the Frontend team responsible for developing and maintaining the online lending platform."
      }, {
        company: "Anapro",
        begin: {
          month: 'dec',
          year: '2016'
        duration: '1 yr e 5 mos',
        occupation: "Fullstack developer",
        description: "Development and maintenance, corrective and preventive, of web applications for the real estate market."
      }, {
        company: "Anapro",
        begin: {
          month: 'set',
          year: '2012'
        duration: '4 yrs e 3 mos',
        occupation: "Support Technician",
        description: "Responsible for the implementation and parameterization of the system, training and customer support. Acting also in person in real estate launches guaranteeing the success and good use of the tool."
    portifolio: [
        image: "/images/gatsby-starter-cv.png",
        description: "Gatsby starter CV template",
        url: ""
        image: "/images/awesome-grid.png",
        description: "Responsive grid for ReactJS",
        url: ""
      /* more portifolio items here */
    social: {
      twitter: "",
      linkedin: "",
      github: "",
      email: ""
    siteUrl: '',
    pathPrefix: '/gatsby-starter-cv', // Note: it must *not* have a trailing slash.
    siteCover: '/images/cover.jpeg',
    googleAnalyticsId: 'UA-000000000-1',
    background_color: '#ffffff',
    theme_color: '#25303B',
    fontColor: "#000000cc",
    enableDarkmode: true, // If true, enables dark mode switch
    display: 'minimal-ui',
    icon: 'src/assets/gatsby-icon.png',
    headerLinks: [
        label: 'Home',
        url: '/',
        label: 'Portifolio',
        url: '/portifolio',

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