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ThrottledAPI is a rate limiter for FastAPI. Check our features to see the use-cases already tested. The code base is 99% covered by unit and integration tests. It is also full type checked with type hints, assuring code with great quality.

Why another rate limiter for FastAPI?

Why another rate limiter for FastAPI, if we already have slowapi and fastapi-limiter? This limiter glues what is good from both projects and adds a bit more. Here is a list of reasons:

  • The throttled-api rate limiter takes full advantage from the composable dependency injection system in FastAPI. That means you can also create limiters per resource.
    • Want to limit requests per IP or per user? Got it!
    • Want to limit requests based on another weird parameter you are receiving? Just extend our FastAPILimiter and you are good to go!
  • You can use different storage backends (different implementations for BaseStorage) for each limiter.
    • Want to limit each API instance to 2000 requests per second? You don´t need more than a in-memory counter. Just use MemoryStorage for the task.
    • Want to limit calls to all your API instances by user or IP? A shared cache is what you need. Our RedisStorage implementation is an adapter for the famous redis package. Other implementations + asyncio support are coming...


Just use your favorite python package manager. Here are two examples:

  • With pip: pip install throttled
  • With poetry: poetry add throttled

The package is in an early development stage. This means the API can change a lot along the way, before hitting 1.0.0, given community feedback. I recommend you pin the latest version that works for you when using the library for now.


Use existing limiters

We already implemented TotalLimiter and IPLimiter for you:

  • TotalLimiter: limits all calls to your API, so you can assure it won't suffocate with too many requests.
  • IPLimiter: as the name suggests, limits requests by IP.
    Disclaimer: generalize getting IP from the Request object is not easy, because there is too many variations in the community. The IPLimiter works when hitting the API running on uvicorn from another docker container. However, reverse proxies can complicate things. Notwithstanding, the ThrottledAPI archtecture allows creating limiters as you like, so there is nothing stopping you from creating an IP limiter that fits your infrastructure. You can also submit it here as a PR, and I will be glad to merge it in the codebase, given instructions for when to use it.

Implement custom limiters

You can implement new limiters easily extending from FastAPILimiter or MiddlewareLimiter

# Your IDE will help you find the imports

class UserLimiter(FastAPILimiter):
    """Client specific limiter"""

    def __call__(self, request: Request, user: UserID = Depends(get_current_user)):
        # The request parameter is mandatory

Attach to the API

There are two options when using the limiters in your API

All limiters as dependencies

This is the simplest usage, requiring less code

def create_limiters() -> Sequence[FastAPILimiter]:
    memory = MemoryStorage(cache={})
    api_limiter = TotalLimiter(limit=Rate(2000, 1), storage=memory)
    redis = RedisStorage(client=Redis.from_url("redis://localhost:0"))
    ip_limiter = IPLimiter(limit=Rate(10, 1), storage=redis)
    user_limiter = UserLimiter(limit=Rate(2, 5), storage=redis)
    return api_limiter, ip_limiter, user_limiter

def create_app(limiters: Sequence[FastAPILimiter] = tuple()) -> FastAPI:
    """Creates a FastAPI app with attached limiters and routes"""
    api = FastAPI(title="Snacks bar", dependencies=limiters)

    api.include_router(products_router, prefix="/products")
    api.include_router(users_router, prefix="/users")
    return api

app = create_app(limiters=create_limiters())

Some limiters as middlewares

Although FastAPI dependency injection is really powerful, some limiters doesn't require any special resource in other to do their job. In that case you cut some latency if using the limiter as a Middleware.

def create_app(limiters: Sequence[FastAPILimiter] = tuple()) -> FastAPI:
    """Creates a FastAPI app with attached limiters and routes"""
    dependencies, middlewares = split_dependencies_and_middlewares(*limiters)

    api = FastAPI(title="Snacks bar", dependencies=dependencies)

    api.include_router(products_router, prefix="/products")
    api.include_router(users_router, prefix="/users")

    for mid in middlewares:
        api.add_middleware(BaseHTTPMiddleware, dispatch=mid)
    return api

app = create_app(limiters=create_limiters())  # create_limiter: same function above

Middleware vs Dependency

When implementing a custom limiter, how to choose between extending FastAPILimiter or MiddlewareLimiter?

    state FirstCondition <<choice>>
    state SecondCondition <<choice>>
    FirstQuestion: What type of limiter should I choose?
    FirstQuestion --> FirstCondition
    FirstCondition: Limiting depends on resources other\nthan Request object from Starlette?
    FirstCondition --> FastAPILimiter: yes
    FirstCondition --> MiddlewareLimiter : no
    FastAPILimiter --> SecondQuestion
    MiddlewareLimiter --> SecondQuestion
    SecondQuestion: What storage should I pick?
    SecondQuestion --> SecondCondition
    SecondCondition: The parameters you are limiting spams a parameter space.\n Is that space too large?
    SecondCondition --> RedisStorage : yes
    SecondCondition --> ThirdCondition : no
    ThirdCondition: You want to share the limiter\nbetween different API instances (pods)?
    ThirdCondition --> RedisStorage : yes
    ThirdCondition --> MemoryStorage : no
    RedisStorage --> End
    MemoryStorage --> End
    End: Attach the limiter to your API     


Issues, suggestions, PRs are welcome!


A throttler for python FastAPI







No packages published

Contributors 3
