This is a simple kotlin demo of http, and it's modefied by Fuel
method: fun get(path: String, parameters: List<Pair<String, Any?>>? = null, successCallBack: (response: Response) -> Unit = null!!, failCallBack: (response: Response, request: Request) ->Unit = null!!)
,you can find get demo from Manager.
Simple demo:
test1.setOnClickListener { view ->
FoolHttp.get("", null, { response ->
runOnUiThread {
codeText.text = "status:" + response.httpStateCode.toString();
webview.loadData(response.toString(), "text/html", response.httpEncode);
}, { response, request ->
runOnUiThread {
codeText.text = "failed:" + response.httpStateCode.toString();
If you are interesting in it.I draw this uml diagram in order to help understand it's structure.