tags Public
React app for words clouds based on user entered value.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 30, 2020 -
air-datepicker Public
Forked from t1m0n/air-datepickerCool jQuery datepicker
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 26, 2019 -
react-sticky-content Public
A DOM content whether its a side bar, content or footer can be stick on scroll.
JavaScript UpdatedJun 12, 2018 -
react-sticky-box Public
Forked from codecks-io/react-sticky-boxBoxes that behave nicely while scrolling
JavaScript UpdatedMay 31, 2018 -
ui-asg-with-gulp-bootstrap Public
A assignment which enables frontend automation using gulp.
CSS UpdatedOct 5, 2017 -
sept-11-greedy-algo Public
A assignment which is solved using greedy algorithm and rendered a fresh obj on UI.
JavaScript UpdatedSep 13, 2017 -
youtube-video-search-api Public
A youtube video search api build in reactjs
JavaScript UpdatedAug 7, 2017 -
TabToAccordionDynamicContent Public
A basic html and Css for Tabs which can change to Accordion. The tab content will be loaded dynamically through JS.
CSS UpdatedMay 22, 2017 -
TabToAccordionNoJs Public
A basic html and Css for Tabs which can change to Accordion
HTML UpdatedMay 22, 2017 -
github-project-list Public
A single-page application that displays a user’s gitHub projects with angular and gulp.
notification Public
A custom widget to enable notification.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 10, 2017 -
autoHegihtAccordion Public
Accordion Widget, which takes auto height for individual active elements,
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 27, 2016 -
angular-growl-2 Public
Forked from JanStevens/angular-growl-2growl-like notifications for angularJS projects
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 16, 2016 -
browserify-babel-demo Public
Forked from sitepoint-editors/browserify-babel-demoAn example project to show the integration of browserify and babel tasks in an es6 project
JavaScript UpdatedMay 24, 2015