Parking Lot assignment for Nas tech hackathon
As per requirments, no db is used for this project. Instead, local variables using hashmap act as models. By default, index equivalent of db for this datastructure is considered the key i.e you can assume the db is only indexed at primary key
You can simply get the server up by running ./ in termial in the dirrectory where project lies. This script will nuke the node_modules and clean install before getting the server up
Open terminal and cd into the project dirrectory.
In project's root dirrectory run npm i
After installing dependencies in above step, in project's root dirrectory run npm run clean-start to nuke the node modules, reinstall and start the server.
After getting the server up locally, app becomes available at: http://localhost:8000/ You can perform CRUD operations for cars and parking by using following routes with respective methods (Post, Put, Get, Delete) {base_url}/api/v1/cars {base_url}/api/v1/parking
You can also checkout swagger documentation while running the server locally at http://localhost:8000/api-docs/#/
node v14.15.5 npm 6.14.11