The goal of the take home assignment is to evaluate basic understanding of:
- database
- backend technology
- frontend technology
- source control
Database: create the following tables
- Performer table with a name column
- Event table that has a name column, datetime column
- Relationship: an event has many performers
- For example, the test data:
- Event name:
Blue Jays vs Chicago Cubs
- Performers:
Blue Jays
Chicago Cubs
- Event name:
- Using a technology of your choice
- Build a website to display existing events with their associated performers
- You will prepopuate the database in advance with the above test data
- A single web page to view an event and its associating performers. A simple table listing the event and performers is sufficient.
- Write unit tests for any controller or model code
- Clone or fork this repo to github or bitbucket
Hosting (optional):
- Use heroku to deploy your webapp on You can create a free heroku account to host sites there.
- Java:
- PHP:
- Python: