Every year 14.1% proportion of Crops are destroyed due to plant diseases worldwide. This impacts $220 Billion worth of Economy.
The idea to Early detect the disease in a Crop using Image Analysis by ML Model.
This API takes Image of a Tomato leaf plant and predicts the probabilty of a disease it may have.
The prediction model is based on CNN.
Install the dependencies from requirements.txt
Start the flask server by running main.py
Once the server is started at Port:5000
Make a POST request at
From there fetch the json message containing the disease and probability of it happening
Flask is a python framework which allows us to start a server at a port.
This allows us to work as an API to POST and fetch data.
At that port I've set the route /predict-disease to receive a POST method.
Once it receives an image in binary, the make_prediction() function from make_prediction.py module is called.
A Machine Learning model has been pre-trained where it makes prediction about the disease in tomato leaf
The API then generates a response containing a json data and sends it to the opened server