this is the code to create proveably random smart contract lottery
- User can enter by paying for a ticket
- the ticket fee are going to go to the winner during the withdraw
- After X period of time, lottery will automatically draw a winner
- This will be done progamatically
- Using Chainlink VRF and chainlink Automation
- Chainlink VRF--> randomness
- Chainlink Automation--> time-based trigger
- Write the deployment Scripts
- Write Our test
- Works on local chain
- Forked testnet
- forked mainnet
Foundry is a blazing fast, portable and modular toolkit for Ethereum application development written in Rust.
Foundry consists of:
- Forge: Ethereum testing framework (like Truffle, Hardhat and DappTools).
- Cast: Swiss army knife for interacting with EVM smart contracts, sending transactions and getting chain data.
- Anvil: Local Ethereum node, akin to Ganache, Hardhat Network.
- Chisel: Fast, utilitarian, and verbose solidity REPL.
$ forge build
$ forge test
$ forge fmt
$ forge snapshot
$ anvil
$ forge script script/Counter.s.sol:CounterScript --rpc-url <your_rpc_url> --private-key <your_private_key>
$ cast <subcommand>
$ forge --help
$ anvil --help
$ cast --help