Private server to facilitate using Google Remote Build Execution in Travis CI, particularly due to the security risk of untrusted builds (i.e. pull request builds).
Comments encouraged regarding potential vulnerabilities and/or ways to improve the security of this service.
$ pip3 install pipenv
$ pipenv install --dev
You must first be logged in through the gcloud
CLI to an account with the appropriate permissions.
$ export FLASK_APP=src/
$ export FLASK_ENV=development
$ export TRAVIS_TOKEN_ENCRYPTED='CiQABCLzEEg7j61hnaT9vSXIT3388+A041quF/7zeg7KBapnm5gSQADsoWgyr5mysMpjLGu3WE9Pq4xXNSMtO0+qEzlvra9FVyuCM0+jmxmCPyAEID3dRH3P7fe2KLqXNqFap7/DV5o='
$ pipenv shell
$ flask run
$ pipenv shell
$ isort **/*.py
$ black **/*.py
$ mypy **/*.py
$ pylint **/*.py
The site is hosted at
- Install the GCloud SDK / CLI.
gcloud components install app-engine-python
.pipenv lock --requirements > requirements.txt
.- We must run this command to ensure that the
is still in sync with thePipfile.lock
. This is necessary because Google App Engine only understandsrequirements.txt
- We must run this command to ensure that the
gcloud app deploy --project pants-remoting-beta
The IP addresses of our CI machines must be whitelisted in our Google App Engine app's firewall.
If networking issues are encountered in CI, you can view the list of Travis CI IPs with:
dig +short
And the current firewall rules with
gcloud --project pants-remoting-beta app firewall-rules list --format=json | \
jq '.[] | select(.action=="ALLOW") | .sourceRange' -r
So for example you can find any IPs that should be whitelisted and are not with:
comm -23 \
<(dig +short | sort) \
<(gcloud --project pants-remoting-beta app firewall-rules list --format=json | \
jq '.[] | select(.action=="ALLOW") | .sourceRange' -r | sort)