Todo: a few words about floedyn ...
For more information, please visit the FloeDyn documentation.
- python3
- C++ compiler
- gmp
- boost, boost_system, boost_program_options (works for 1.72, fails for 1.75, to be investigate ...)
- eigen
- matio
- hdf5 (c++)
- cgal
- mpfr
- cereal
> git clone
Assuming that <source_dir> is the path to the Floe_Cpp repository Run:
> cd <source_dir>
> python3 ./waf configure --prefix=<where-you-want-to-install>
- Creates a build directory
- Inspects your system to check if all dependencies are satisfied
- Generates (in build) all files required to build and install the project
By default, waf looks for dependencies in /usr/. To specify another location (e.g. on clusters using guix or nix), try
> python3 ./waf configure --prefix=<where-you-want-to-install> --default-search-path=<other-path>
# eg --default-search-path=$GUIX_PROFILE on Luke or Dahu
More about waf:
> python3 ./waf --target FLOE -v
# -v is verbose mode, optional
# use --target FLOE_MPI for the parallel version
mpirun -np 2 <path-to>/build/FLOE_MPI -i <input.h5> -t <nb_time_steps>
Some h5 files are available in Floe_Cpp/io/inputs/.
source /applis/site/
guix package -m ./Floe_Cpp/manifest_floedyn.scm -p $GUIX_USER_PROFILE_DIR/floedyn
source /applis/site/
guix environment -m ./Floe_Cpp/manifest_floedyn.scm --pure
In both case, use the same process as described above (waf configure and so on) with the --default-search-path=$GUIX_PROFILE option.
An example of a oar script is given in
oarsub -S "./ $HOME/Floe_Cpp/io/inputs/in_single_small_floe.h5 20"