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A lightweight opinionated framework for building services in Node.js


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Cortec (BETA)

The public API is still under-development and will change

A opinionated ecosystem of modules and adapters for quickly building production ready backend services with typescript.


Building backend services built with NodeJS typically involves defining endpoints, connecting to services like databases, cache and queue, and communicating with other services over HTTP, websocket, etc. A lot of frameworks like Express, Koa, Fastify, etc. provide a way to define endpoints and middleware. However, there is no standard way to load, unload and expose all the various modules, and developers have to write a lot of boilerplate code to connect to these services.

Core Principles

  • Typescript First: Cortec is built with typescript natively and should work out of the box with any typescript project.
  • Dependency Injection: Cortec uses dependency injection to load and unload modules. This allows modules to be loaded in any order and unloaded in reverse order.
  • Opinionated: Cortec is opinionated and provides a set of modules that are commonly used in backend services. However, developers can choose to use any module of their choice.
  • Production Ready: Cortec is built with production in mind.
  • Extensible: Cortec is extensible and allows developers to write their own modules and adapters.

Getting Started

To build a simple server you will need the core, polka and server module. Let's start by installing these three modules using npm.

npm i @cortec/core @cortec/polka @cortec/server

Step 1: Create the index.ts file and initialize the core module.

import Cortec from '@cortec/core';
import Polka from '@cortec/polka';
import Server from '@cortec/server';

// The http router in a separate file for modulatity sake
import { Router } from './router';

// This constructs a new cortec instance with a name and version
// The config is compatible with the schema of package.json
const cortec = new Cortec({
  name: 'test',
  version: '1.0.0'

// Constructing the polka router with our routing configuration
const polka = new Polka(Router);

// Constructing the server module with name of router module (!warn - will change in future)
const server = new Server(;

// Registering the modules to cortec to manage their lifecycle

// Loads all modules and wait for all of them to be ready
  .then(() => {
    // Emit a ready signal to the process for the parent process to
    // know that the application is ready
    // If you are using pm2 then you can use the
    // `pm2 start --wait-ready` command to wait for the ready signal

Step 2: Create the config/default.yml file with the following content.

    port: 8080

      limit: '100kb'
  helmet: {}

Step 3: Create the router.ts file with the following content.

import type { IRouter } from '@cortec/polka';
import { Response, route } from '@cortec/polka';

// Building the root route
const Root = route({

  // Implement the on request handler that will be called every time a request is made to the route
  async onRequest () {

    // Return a json response
    return Response.json({
      message: 'Hello World!',

// Define the router function that will be passed to the polka module
export const Router: IRouter = (app) => {
  app.get('/', Root);

Now you can run the application using ts-node.

ts-node index.ts

and test the application using curl.

curl http://localhost:8080



The core module is a module loader that implements a simple dependency injection container and manages the lifecycle of all the registered modules.

npm i @cortec/core

Cortec core requires two required properties name and version during construction. These two properties are used to identify the application and is made available to all registered modules. For example, packaged newrelic and sentry modules use name and version to namespace and report errors accurately.

The configuration accepted by core is compatible with package.json, therefore you can directly pass the package.json file as the configuration, something like this:

const pkg = require('./package.json');

// Passing in the package.json file as the configuration
const cortec = new Cortec(pkg);

Or manually pass them like this:

const cortec = new Cortec({
  name: 'test',
  version: '1.0.0'

On construction, cortec is initialized with only the config module registered. For registering any other module, the use API needs to be used.

cortec.use(<instance of the module>);

Finally, the load method must be called to load all the modules. It returns a promise that resolves when all the modules are loaded successfully.

// Async-await based interface
await cortec.load();

// Promise based interface
  .then(() => {})

The core also listens to the various SIGTERM, SIGINT and uncaughtException signals to disposes all the modules and safely shutdown the application.


  • use(module: IModule): void

    The use method can be used to register a module. (Note: If two modules having same name are registered then the later will replace the previous but the loader order will remain unchanged)

  • load(): Promise<void>

    The load method asynchronously loads all the modules in the order they were registered and returns a promise that resolves when all the modules successfully load. The promise never rejects, but instead logs the error to the console and kills the process if there is an error.


By default the core modules also loads the @cortec/config module which as wrapper over node-config. The config module is used to load the configuration from the config directory. The config module is loaded first and is available to all the other modules without needing to explicitly registering it.

Polka - @cortec/polka

The polka module extends the polka framework. The polka module is used to define the routes that are exposed by the application. The polka module is registered with the name polka.


The authentication module can be used to handle how the endpoint is protected. The function when resolves with a promise, should return a session that can be accessed using the, req.session property.

Dynamic Config - @cortec/dynamic-config

The dynamic-config module is used to dynamically load the configuration from a remote source like a database or a remote service. The dynamic-config module is registered with the name dynamic-config.

Currently only the mongodb module is supported for loading the configuration from a mongodb database.


      host: "localhost"
      user: "root"
      password: null
      database: "test"

    type: 'mongodb'
      name: 'myMongoDB'
      collection: 'config'
    myConfig: 'myConfigValue'
import DynamicConfig  from '@cortec/dynamic-config';
import MongoDB from '@cortec/mongodb';
import { z } from 'zod';

// Create a schema for the configuration
const schema = z.object({
  myConfig: z.string(),

// Create the mongodb module
const mongodb = new MongoDB();
// Create the dynamic config module with the scheme of the configuration
const dynamicConfig = new DynamicConfig(schema);

// 1. Register mongodb module first

// 2. Register dynamic config module after mongodb

// 3. Load the modules
await cortec.load();


  • config: T

    The config property is used to access the configuration that is loaded by the dynamic-config module. The config property is a getter that returns the configuration object.

     const schema = z.object({
        myConfig: z.string(),
     type Schema  = z.infer<typeof schema>;
    import { IDynamicConfig } from '@cortec/dynamic-config';
    // Usage in a route
      async onRequest(req, ctx) {
        const dc = this.require<IDynamicConfig<ImportantConfig>>('dynamic-config');
        return Response.text('Config' + dc.config.myConfig);
  • update(config: T, ttl?: number): Promise<void>

    The update method is used to update the configuration from the source. The update method returns a promise that resolves when the configuration is updated. Optionally, the ttl parameter can be used to set the time to live for the configuration. The default time to live is 5 minutes.

     const schema = z.object({
        myConfig: z.string(),
     type Schema  = z.infer<typeof schema>;
    import { IDynamicConfig } from '@cortec/dynamic-config';
    // Usage in a route
      async onRequest(req, ctx) {
        const dc = this.require<IDynamicConfig<ImportantConfig>>('dynamic-config');
        // Update the configuration. This will update the configuration in the database and all the modules that depend on the configuration will be updated in the next ttl
        await dc.update({ myConfig: 'newConfig' });
        return Response.text('Success');
  • refresh(): Promise<void>

    The refresh method is used to refresh the configuration from the source. The refresh method returns a promise that resolves when the configuration is refreshed.

    The refresh method is called automatically every ttl seconds. However, the refresh method can be called manually to refresh the configuration.

    import { IDynamicConfig } from '@cortec/dynamic-config';
    // Usage in a route
      async onRequest(req, ctx) {
        const dc = this.require<IDynamicConfig<ImportantConfig>>('dynamic-config');
        // Refresh the configuration in the current module manually
        await dc.refresh();
        return Response.text('Success');

RabbitMQ - @cortec/rabbitmq

The rabbitmq module is used to connect to a RabbitMQ server. The rabbitmq module is registered with the name rabbitmq.


      protocol: "amqp"
      hostname: "localhost"
      port: 5672
      username: "root"
      password: "password"
import RabbitMQ from '@cortec/rabbitmq';

const rabbitmq = new RabbitMQ();


await cortec.load();


  • channel(name: string): Channel

    The channel method is used to fetch a channel by identifier. The channel method returns the channel object.

    import { IRabbitMQ } from '@cortec/rabbitmq';
    // Usage in a route
      async onRequest(req, ctx) {
        const rabbit = this.require<IRabbitMQ>('rabbitmq');
        // Refresh the configuration in the current module manually
        await'primary').sendToQueue('myQueue', Buffer.from('Hello World!'));
        return Response.text('Success');

Building a custom module

A module is a class that implements the IModule interface. The IModule interface has two methods load and dispose that are called when the module is loaded and unloaded respectively.

import { IModule } from '@cortec/core';

export class MyModule implements IModule {
  // The name of the module
  public name = 'my-module';

  // The load method is called when the module is loaded
  public async load () {
    // Do something when the module is loaded

  // The unload method is called when the module is unloaded
  public async dispose () {
    // Do something when the module is disposed


  • Config (@cortec/config)
  • Redis (@cortec/redis)
  • MongoDB (@cortec/mongodb)
  • Newrelic (@cortec/newrelic)
  • Sentry (@cortec/sentry)
  • BullMQ (@cortec/bullmq)
  • Axios (@cortec/axios)
  • Logger (@cortec/logger)
  • Server (@cortec/server)
  • Cassandra (@cortec/cassandra)
  • Polka (@cortec/polka)


A lightweight opinionated framework for building services in Node.js







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