Liberty-Daemon is the daemon process that communicates over USB with the Polhemus High-Speed Liberty motion tracker and reads data from the eight sensors and puts them onto the "liberty" ach channel. The daemon reads position (x, y, z) and rotation (quaternion w, i, j, k).
- Set up for USB (but RS-232 is possible)
The following are necessary prerequites to use Liberty:
install libusb-1.0.0-dev
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0.0-dev
install ach (up-to-date instruction are at
Add the following to /etc/apt/sources:
deb squeeze
(substitute the codename for your distribution in place of squeeze, e.g. wheezy, precise)
`sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libach-dev ach-utils`
`sudo dpkg-reconfigure ach-utils`
go to the Liberty-Daemon directory
cd Liberty-Daemon
compile libertyd.cpp
create an ach channel called 'liberty' ("-o 666" gives permissions)
ach -C liberty -o 666
run the libertyd executable on the main computer
sudo ./libertyd
create an ach channel on both computers called 'liberty' ("-o 666" gives sudo permissions)
ach -C liberty -o 666
run the libertyd executable on the main computer
sudo ./libertyd
push the data from the liberty channel to the remote computer using "achd" and the ip address of the remote computer
sudo achd -r push liberty
Device takes about ten seconds to initialize after switched on. You must wait this time before starting the daemon.
The sensor can only measure a positive displacement in X. DO NOT BREAK THE YZ PLANE!
The daemon does not use Euler angles, and you shouldn't either.