Web App Link: https://customer-attrition-predictor.herokuapp.com/
About the dataset
The dataset consists of 3331 rows and 14 columns in total.
There are in total 14 features in the dataset that represents:
- SNo : It denotes the serial numbers of each row in the dataset.
- Customer_ID : It denotes the unique id given to each customer.
- Weeks : It denotes the number of weeks a customer has been using the network service provided by the company.
- Contract_Renewal : It denotes if the person has renewed his/her contract or not. It has two values 0 and 1.
- 0 means the person has not renewed the contract
- 1 means the person has renewed the contract
- Data_Plan : It denotes if the person has an active data plan or not. It has two values 0 and 1.
- 0 means the person does not have an active data plan.
- 1 means the person has an active data plan.
- Data_Usage : It denotes the data usage of each customer.
- Calls_To_Customer_Care : It denotes the number of calls made by a person to the customer care.
- DayMins : It denotes the amount of minutes a person spends on a call in a day.
- DayCalls : It denotes the total number of calls a person makes from his device in a day.
- MonthlyCharge : It denotes the monthly charge incurred by the person.
- Overage Fee : It is the charge imposed when the person goes beyond the allowed limit of calls.
- RoamMins : It denotes the total number of minutes the call has been made from the cell phone when it was in roaming.
- Customer_Attrition : It denotes the loss of customer. It has two values Yes and No.
- Yes means the customer has been lost by the company.
- No denotes customer is currently using the service provided by the company. (Customer_Attrition is our target column in the dataset)
- Inserted_Date : It denotes the date on which the sim card was inserted in the phone and made active for usage.