Node.js v22.9.0 should be installed
To test with Front End ,For installation Refer,
Install mogodb(local/cloud hoisted) and it should be running.
To install mogodb locally, refer doc
MongoDB Atlas Cloud instance--
If you prefer using a cloud-hosted MongoDB instance, follow these steps:
Sign Up for MongoDB Atlas:
MongoDB Atlas Signup
Create a New Cluster:
Choose a free tier cluster.
Select your preferred cloud provider and region.
Configure Security Settings:
Whitelist IP Address:
Allow your IP address to access the cluster.
Create a Database User:
Set up a username and password for database access.
Get the Connection String:
Click "Connect" on your cluster.
Choose "Connect your application."
Copy the provided connection string and replace , , and with your credentials and desired database name.
In .env.development file,
Point to correct FRONTEND_URL to avoid CORS error
MONGODB_URI should be point to local /cloud hoisted mongodb instance
JWT_SECRET should be alteast 8 character long
PORT at which nestjs app runs
Note:- Ensure nestjs app IP address is whitelsited in mongodb (local/cloud) setup.
In the project directory, you can run:
It runs the app at http://localhost:3001
Swagger docs available at http://localhost:3001/api
Security measures implemented -CORS, helmet, throttling implementation, refresh tokens.
It is created.[.githhub/workflows/main.yml]. On each push to main,App is deployed in EC2 instance as docker image.
Githhub Repository secret is used for deployment.
Logger is added
Swagger docs available at http://localhost:3001/api