This simple project, uses Google'es pretrained model, to build a new classifer, The VGGish model can be used for extracting audio features, which I pass into my own network, which classifies audio into 4 categories. More in the jupyter notebook file.
Adapted from, Tensorflow Models Audioset pretrained model code, provided by communnity
please follow install instructions from above link
Usage :
For Training :
use shell scripts provided in shell_scripts folder
- < youtube url> this will download the audio of youtube url, and convert it into a suitable format, and split them into 2 seconds fragments using wav_splitter project ( see subfolder )
In the output folder, you will get your files, however the end fragment file is less than 2 second, so delete that
repeat this for all categories
then use, this will create a dataset.txt file, each row has training filename (labels will be inferred automatically in jupyter notebook)
Now follow instructions on train_my_modelv3 notebook
For Inference :
- Use sox commands below to download audio from youtube, and finally extract 1 second file , or provide your own file(but do required preprocessing as indicated in one of the commands ), then follow instructions on train_my_modelv3 notebook
To Do / Further Improvements
Add Sound Normalization ? Experiment with data
Important Sox Commands
split audio into multiple chunks of 1 second ffmpeg -i b52.wav -f segment -segment_time 1 -c copy fragments/out%03d.wav
download audio from a youtube url youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3
convert into suitable format sox "${now}.mp3" "${now}.wav" channels 1 rate 16000