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Download and run instructions Mac

Sauraen edited this page Apr 13, 2020 · 4 revisions

Download and run instructions - Mac

From the main HQStreamer2 GitHub page, click the Downloads folder.

Mac install image

Click the macos_x64 folder.

Mac install image

Click on HQStreamer2.dmg.

Mac install image

Click the Download button.

Mac install image

Open the file HQStreamer2.dmg which you just downloaded. You will need either (the ".app" extension is not shown), InstallForSystem, or InstallForUser.

  • Use if you just want to run the HQStreamer2 standalone program right now and don't want to install it for later. You can always come back to this dmg file later and choose one of the install options.
  • Use InstallForSystem if you want to install HQStreamer2 standalone and plugins for all users on the computer. This method is more compatible with DAWs, but requires your admin password.
  • Use InstallForUser if you want to install HQStreamer2 standalone and plugins just for the current user. This may not work with some DAWs, but it does not require any password.

Mac install image

Right-click or Ctrl-click on (the ".app" isn't shown) and choose Open.

Mac install image

In the security warning dialog box, choose Open.

Mac install image

The HQStreamer2 standalone app looks like this when it's working correctly.

Windows install image

Click here to continue to the instructions for how to join a session as a client.


Right-click or Ctrl-click on InstallForSystem and choose Open.

Mac install image

In the security warning dialog box, choose Open.

Mac install image

Type your password when prompted. Your password will NOT be shown like ******* here. It will not show anything as you type your password. Don't worry, it's still taking the characters you're typing (and backspace still works if needed). This is a Mac "feature": if it showed something like *******, someone would be able to tell how long your password was.

Mac install image

When prompted, close this window.

Mac install image

You will find the HQStreamer2 standalone app in your Applications folder, and the plugin versions have also been installed for use with your DAW.

The HQStreamer2 standalone app looks like this when it's working correctly.

Windows install image

Click here to continue to the instructions for how to join a session as a client.


Right-click or Ctrl-click on InstallForUser and choose Open.

Mac install image

In the security warning dialog box, choose Open.

Mac install image

When prompted, close the window.

Mac install image

You will find the HQStreamer2 standalone app in your user's personal Applications folder, and the plugin versions have also been installed for use with your DAW. As stated above, InstallForUser is less compatible with DAWs, so your DAW may not be able to find the plugin versions (in particular the AU / AUv3 versions).

The HQStreamer2 standalone app looks like this when it's working correctly.

Windows install image

Click here to continue to the instructions for how to join a session as a client.

Plugin use

Open your DAW of choice (REAPER). Create a new track and click the FX button to add a new effect to the track.

Windows install image

In the VST3 (not VST or VST3i) category, choose HQStreamer2 (Sauraen). You can also use the AU or AUv3 version of HQStreamer2---they work the same way.

Windows install image

If HQStreamer2 does not appear in the list automatically, tell your DAW to scan for new plugins.

Windows install image

If there were issues with a plugin last time it was scanned, simply re-scanning will not reload it, you must clear the plugin cache and re-scan.

Windows install image

The HQStreamer2 VST3 or AU plugins look like this once they're working.

Windows install image

Click here to continue to the instructions for how to join a session as a client.