go-screws /ɡəʊˈskruːs/
是一个多功能的 Go 语言工具包,提供了一系列实用的工具和辅助函数,旨在简化你的 Go 开发流程。就像一盒螺丝一样,这个包涵盖了多种工具,可以组合使用,高效地解决常见开发任务。无论你是在构建小型脚本还是大规模应用,go-screws
针对常见 Go 任务进行性能优化。
持续扩展的 Go 工具集合,助你应对不同开发场景。
立即开始使用 go-screws,让你的 Go 代码更加严谨高效!
is a versatile Go library that provides a collection of essential utilities and helper functions, designed to streamline your Go development. Like a box of screws, this package offers various tools that can be combined and reused to solve common tasks efficiently. Whether you're building a small script or a large-scale application, go-screws
equips you with the right tools for the job.
Features include:
A variety of utility functions for string manipulation, file handling, and more.
Performance optimizations for common Go tasks.
Modular and easy-to-integrate tools that enhance productivity.
Continuously growing collection of useful Go utilities.
Get started with go-screws to tighten up your Go code today!
go get -u github.com/sav7ng/go-screws@v0.0.2
import goscrews "github.com/sav7ng/go-screws"
base64, err := goscrews.QRCodeTool.GenerateQrcodeToBytes("saving", 512)
工具名称 | 描述 |
AesTool | AES加密工具 |
ArrayTool | 数组切片工具 |
CatchTool | 捕抓工具 |
ConvertTool | 转换器工具 |
EmojiTool | emoji表情包工具 |
HttpTool | http请求工具 |
IPTool | IP工具 |
QRCodeTool | 二维码工具 |
RandomTool | 随机数工具 |
TimeTool | 时间工具 |
ValidatorTool | 验证器工具 |
geo | 地理信息工具 |