Final Project for Data 512. Focuses on the impact of COVID-19 on domestic violence in Atlanta, Georgia.
│ .gitignore
| A4 Common Analysis.pdf
| A5 Extension Plan.pdf
| A6 Presentation.pptx
| A7 Notebook.ipynb
| A7 Report.pdf
| domestic_crime_data.csv
│ │ Yearly_Reported_DV_Cases.png
| | pre_post_vaccine_domestic_violence_cases.png
| | monthly_domestic_violence_cases.png
| | pre_post_pandemic_weekly_domestic_violence_cases.png
To explore the impact of COVID-19 on domestic violence in Atlanta, Georgia.
I focus on how the rate of reported domestic violence cases was influenced by the pandemic, and the potential impact the vaccine had on reported cases.
The APD published a weekly PDF which contains the count of domestic violence cases for the week as well as a year-to-date total and the previous year’s year-to-date total. The year-to-date total does not always align with the sum of the weekly count of domestic violence cases for the year, and the previous year’s year-to-date (YTD) totals can be very different than the year-to-date totals achieved by opening up the pdf for the week of that year. For example, if I compare week 40 of 2020’s pdfs (CS-2020-40.pdf) and week 40 of 2019’s pdfs (CS-2019-40.pdf) I will see that the YTD cases reported for 2019 in CS-2020-40.pdf is 324 while the YTD cases reported for 2019 in CS-2019-40.pdf is 329. To remain consistent, I use the reported case counts from the pdfs that were released at the time the cases were first reported, so I’m using CS-2019-40 as the true count of domestic violence cases in week 40 of 2019 to populate my domestic_crime_data.csv.
- Kaggle repository of Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 data: COVID-19 total case number by day by county.
- The New York Times mask compliance survey data: Mask compliance data from a survey conducted by the New York Times
- Note: the NYT data is not applicable for A7 project, but required for A4.
- CDC Masking Mandate by State: CDC masking mandate by state
- Note: the CDC data is not applicable for A7 project, but required for A4.
- Domestic Crime Data: Domestic crime data scraped from the Atlanta Police Department's weekly crime reports. This data consists of the reported number of domestic violence cases in Atlanta Georgia from January 2018 to November 2021. The data structure of this file was created by me and is as follows:
Column | Description |
Week | The week number from 1 to 52 |
weekly_21 | The weekly reported domestic violence cases in 2021 |
weekly_20 | The weekly reported domestic violence cases in 2020 |
weekly_19 | The weekly reported domestic violence cases in 2019 |
weekly_18 | The weekly reported domestic violence cases in 2018 |
ytd_21 | The year to date reported domestic violence cases in 2021 |
ytd_20 | The year to date reported domestic violence cases in 2020 |
ytd_19 | The year to date reported domestic violence cases in 2019 |
ytd_18 | The year to date reported domestic violence cases in 2018 |
- The dataframe "mcc_cobb" is used to plot COVID-19 cases was created using the John Hopkins University COVID-19 dataset and has the following format:
Column | Description |
Date | Python Timestamp Datetime used as index |
confirmed_cases | The cumulative total confirmed cases of COVID-19 |
ma | The 7 day moving average of cumulative total confirmed cases of COVID-19 |
ma_delta | The diff of ma. This represents smoothed daily cases |
at_risk_pop | The population of the county minus the confirmed cases |
infection_rate | Assumes people are infected for 14 days. This is the 14 day rolling sum of ma_delta divided by the at risk population. |
infection rate delta | The diff of infection_rate |
infected | The total number of infected population, assuming a 14 day infection. |
- The dataframe "ts" is used to plot domestic violence cases was created using the dataset I created from the APD reports and has the following format:
Column | Description |
Date | The date the data was captured |
Year | The year the data was captured |
pandemic_status | indicator of whether the data was captured prepandemic or during the pandemic |
weekly_cases | The weekly reported domestic violence cases |
- Kaggle repository of Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 data is licnesed under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
- License for The New York Times mask compliance survey data can be found here. It allows for non-commercial use and requires credit to New York Times.
- CDC Masking Mandate by State is available for public use.