To set up lab's monitoring you should set all required parameters in the
script and run it. Also, you must be sure, that you can ssh to the VMs without password (using an RSA keypair, see 'key' parameter).
Parameters, which should be set:
- monitor_ip - this parameter is obligatory ("X.X.X.X")
- monitor_name - hostname of the monitor (run: hostname -f)
- openstack_type - the acceptable values are: 0 - single node devstack; 1 - openstack with a controller, cinder, compute; 2 - openstack with a controller, cinder+compute
- openstack_name - name of your OpenStack installation
- controller_name - (run: hostname -f)
- controller_ip
- compute_name - (run: hostname -f)
- compute_ip
- cinder_name - (run: hostname -f)
- cinder_ip
Parameters 'compute_name', 'compute_ip', 'cinder_name', 'cinder_ip' should be specified as arrays. For example:
- compute_name = ( "compute-1" )
- compute_ip = ( "X.X.X.X" ) or
- compute_name = ( "compute-1", "compute-2" )
- compute_ip = ( "X.X.X.X", "X.X.X.X" )
If you use openstack_type "0", you can skip 'compute_name', 'compute_ip', 'cinder_name', 'cinder_ip', because all these services run on one node.
If you use openstack_type "2", you can skip 'cinder_name', 'cinder_ip'. In this case it means, that cinder and compute services run on the same node.
Parameters, which are set by default, but you can change them:
- key - identity file (using 'id_rsa' by default);
- disable_services - specify services (as array, like 'compute_name'), which you want disable (using 'none' by default). The acceptable values are: 'horizon', 'nova', 'glance', 'heat', 'neutron', 'cinder';
- log_dir - directory for logs on a VM, where you run
(using '%git-clone-dir%/puppet-log' by default); - user - The name of a user, which will install all packages. This user should have your RSA key (using 'root' by default);
- i_am_monitor - if you want that the VM where you run '' should be the monitor set this parameter to 'true' (using 'false' by default);
- nagios_admin - admin nagios user,also it is used on the web UI (using 'nagiosadmin' by default);
- nagios_password - password for the nagios admin (using 'nagiosadmin' by default);
- guest_user - guest user fot web UI ('guest' by default);
- guest_password - password fot guest user ('welcome' by default);
- admin_email - The e-mail for notifications and alerts (using 'root@localhost' by default);
- devstack_log_dir - directory, where located logs for openstack. It only uses for devstack, for now (using '/opt/stack/logs/screen' by default);
- refresh_rate - The interval for services checking (using '30' second by default);
- command_check_interval - The interval to wait between external command checks (using "10s" by default, 's' is necessary).