levels is a basic LevelDB clone
LevelDB introduces a toolkit for managing in-memory key-value stores with support for serialization into a simple SSTable (Sorted Strings Table) format. This implementation includes robust implementations of various data structures, such as simple key-value stores, linked lists, and skip lists, each equipped with CRUD operations and range scans. In addition, efficient serialization of in-memory data to disk in an SSTable format enables high-performance access to immutable data.
- Simple Key-Value Store: A basic in-memory key-value store with straightforward get, put, and delete operations.
- Linked List: An implementation of a doubly linked list for ordered data storage and access.
- Skip List: A probabilistic data structure offering efficient insert, delete, and search operations with complexity comparable to balanced trees.
- SSTable Serialization: Utilities to serialize the in-memory data into an SSTable format, enabling efficient disk storage and range scans.
Choose one of the available data structures and instantiate it:
db := NewSimpleDB() // For a simple key-value store
db := NewLinkedListDB() // For a linked list-based store
db := NewSkipListDB() // For a skip list-based store
- Put: Add or update a key-value pair.
err := db.Put([]byte("key"), []byte("value"))
if err != nil {
- Get: Retrieve the value for a given key.
value, err := db.Get([]byte("key"))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Value:", string(value))
- Delete: Remove a key-value pair.
err := db.Delete([]byte("key"))
if err != nil {
Scan for key-value pairs within a specified key range:
iter, err := db.RangeScan([]byte("startKey"), []byte("endKey"))
if err != nil {
for iter.Next() {
fmt.Printf("Key: %s, Value: %s", iter.Key(), iter.Value())
if err := iter.Error(); err != nil {
Serialize the in-memory store to an SSTable format:
file, err := os.Create("path/to/sstable")
if err != nil {
defer file.Close()
err = db.Flush(file)
if err != nil {
To run tests for this module, execute:
go test ./...
These exercises were completed as a part of the 4th module of Bradfield's Computer Science Intensive program.