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GitHub Actions / JUnit Tests (Windows, dorny/test-reporter@v1) succeeded Nov 29, 2024 in 0s

221 passed, 0 failed and 24 skipped

Tests passed successfully

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
save-cli/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 2βœ… 198s
save-common/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 4βœ… 2s
save-common/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 4βœ… 167ms
save-common/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 13βœ… 2s
save-common/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 2βœ… 181ms
save-common/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 4βœ… 10ms
save-common/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 4βœ… 44ms
save-common/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 13βœ… 65ms
save-common/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 1βœ… 0ms
save-common/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 2βœ… 29ms
save-core/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 1βœ… 782ms
save-core/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 8βœ… 804ms
save-core/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 9βœ… 109s
save-core/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 11βœ… 5βšͺ 67s
save-core/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 3βœ… 13s
save-core/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 2βœ… 16s
save-core/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 5βšͺ 1ms
save-core/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 8βœ… 687ms
save-core/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 2βœ… 1s
save-core/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 6βœ… 35ms
save-core/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 8βœ… 53ms
save-core/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 1βœ… 19ms
save-core/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 8βœ… 2s
save-core/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 9βœ… 59s
save-core/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 11βœ… 5βšͺ 49s
save-core/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 3βœ… 13s
save-core/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 2βœ… 16s
save-core/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 5βšͺ 0ms
save-core/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 8βœ… 43ms
save-core/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 2βœ… 166ms
save-core/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 6βœ… 6ms
save-core/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 8βœ… 6ms
save-plugins/fix-and-warn-plugin/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 1βœ… 1s
save-plugins/fix-and-warn-plugin/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 1βœ… 108ms
save-plugins/fix-plugin/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 4βœ… 6s
save-plugins/fix-plugin/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 4βœ… 327ms
save-plugins/warn-plugin/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 5βœ… 194ms
save-plugins/warn-plugin/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 1βœ… 19ms
save-plugins/warn-plugin/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 3βœ… 55ms
save-plugins/warn-plugin/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 3βœ… 17ms
save-plugins/warn-plugin/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 9βœ… 2βšͺ 3s
save-plugins/warn-plugin/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 5βœ… 10ms
save-plugins/warn-plugin/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 1βœ… 3ms
save-plugins/warn-plugin/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 3βœ… 6ms
save-plugins/warn-plugin/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 3βœ… 5ms
save-plugins/warn-plugin/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 9βœ… 2βšͺ 265ms
save-reporters/build/test-results/jvmTest/ 2βœ… 356ms
save-reporters/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/ 2βœ… 157ms

βœ…Β save-cli/build/test-results/jvmTest/

2 tests were completed in 198s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 2βœ… 198s


βœ… examples test from subfolder()[jvm]
βœ… examples test()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-common/build/test-results/jvmTest/

4 tests were completed in 2s with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 4βœ… 2s


βœ… test for splitByNonEscaped()[jvm]
βœ… basic test()[jvm]
βœ… should resolve placeholders()[jvm]
βœ… should join multiline directives()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-common/build/test-results/jvmTest/

4 tests were completed in 167ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 4βœ… 167ms


βœ… example for findAllFilesMatching()[jvm]
βœ… create relative path in case of branchy file tree()[jvm]
βœ… example for findDescendantDirectoriesBy()[jvm]
βœ… create relative path when config and test resource located in the same directory()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-common/build/test-results/jvmTest/

13 tests were completed in 2s with 13 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 13βœ… 2s


βœ… simple check with redirection()[jvm]
βœ… change multiple echo commands with redirections 2()[jvm]
βœ… change multiple echo commands with redirections 3()[jvm]
βœ… simple check with redirection without whitespaces at all()[jvm]
βœ… check stdout()[jvm]
βœ… one long echo()[jvm]
βœ… check stdout with redirection()[jvm]
βœ… change multiple echo commands with redirections()[jvm]
βœ… extra whitespaces shouldn't influence to echo()[jvm]
βœ… simple check with redirection without first whitespace()[jvm]
βœ… simple check()[jvm]
βœ… command without echo()[jvm]
βœ… empty command()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-common/build/test-results/jvmTest/

2 tests were completed in 181ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 2βœ… 181ms


βœ… check stderr with additional warning()[jvm]
βœ… check stderr()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-common/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

4 tests were completed in 10ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 4βœ… 10ms


βœ… basic test[mingwX64]
βœ… should resolve placeholders[mingwX64]
βœ… should join multiline directives[mingwX64]
βœ… test for splitByNonEscaped[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-common/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

4 tests were completed in 44ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 4βœ… 44ms


βœ… example for findAllFilesMatching[mingwX64]
βœ… example for findDescendantDirectoriesBy[mingwX64]
βœ… create relative path when config and test resource located in the same directory[mingwX64]
βœ… create relative path in case of branchy file tree[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-common/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

13 tests were completed in 65ms with 13 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 13βœ… 65ms


βœ… empty command[mingwX64]
βœ… check stdout[mingwX64]
βœ… check stdout with redirection[mingwX64]
βœ… command without echo[mingwX64]
βœ… simple check[mingwX64]
βœ… simple check with redirection[mingwX64]
βœ… simple check with redirection without first whitespace[mingwX64]
βœ… simple check with redirection without whitespaces at all[mingwX64]
βœ… one long echo[mingwX64]
βœ… change multiple echo commands with redirections[mingwX64]
βœ… change multiple echo commands with redirections 2[mingwX64]
βœ… change multiple echo commands with redirections 3[mingwX64]
βœ… extra whitespaces shouldn't influence to echo[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-common/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

1 tests were completed in 0ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 1βœ… 0ms


βœ… checking escaping of percents[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-common/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

2 tests were completed in 29ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 2βœ… 29ms


βœ… check stderr[mingwX64]
βœ… check stderr with additional warning[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-core/build/test-results/jvmTest/

1 tests were completed in 782ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 1βœ… 782ms


βœ… config detector regression test on directories()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-core/build/test-results/jvmTest/

8 tests were completed in 804ms with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 8βœ… 804ms


βœ… should fail on the invalid file()[jvm]
βœ… should detect single file from a directory()[jvm]
βœ… should detect multiple files starting from the middle()[jvm]
βœ… should detect starting from bottom with multiple parent configs()[jvm]
βœ… should detect starting from bottom()[jvm]
βœ… should detect single file()[jvm]
βœ… should detect config file from single Test file()[jvm]
βœ… should detect multiple files starting from top()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-core/build/test-results/jvmTest/

9 tests were completed in 109s with 9 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 9βœ… 109s


βœ… execute fix plugin on separate files()[jvm]
βœ… execute fix plugin in sarif mode()[jvm]
βœ… executing fix plugin on save-toml file in directory()[jvm]
βœ… executing fix plugin on parental save-toml file()[jvm]
βœ… execute fix plugin on folder()[jvm]
βœ… check NoIgnoreLines()[jvm]
βœ… check IgnoreLines()[jvm]
βœ… tests with the same name()[jvm]
βœ… check IgnoreLinesIsEmpty()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-core/build/test-results/jvmTest/

16 tests were completed in 67s with 11 passed, 0 failed and 5 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 11βœ… 5βšͺ 67s


βœ… execute warn-plugin with expected warnings from SARIF()[jvm]
βœ… executing warn plugin so that no resources will be found()[jvm]
βœ… lines that match ignoreLines should be ignored()[jvm]
βœ… execute warn-plugin with actual and expected warnings from SARIF()[jvm]
βšͺ execute warn plugin with default testFiles()[jvm]
βœ… test output file set()[jvm]
βšͺ executing warn plugin on parental directory()[jvm]
βœ… tests should have a relative path()[jvm]
βœ… execute warn plugin on separate files()[jvm]
βœ… executing warn plugin on directory()[jvm]
βšͺ execute warn plugin with timeout()[jvm]
βœ… executing warn plugin on parental save-toml file()[jvm]
βœ… executing warn plugin on directory when files are set with regex()[jvm]
βšͺ execute warn plugin with included and excluded suites()[jvm]
βœ… execute warn-plugin with actual warnings from SARIF()[jvm]
βšͺ executing warn plugin on save-toml file in directory()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-core/build/test-results/jvmTest/

3 tests were completed in 13s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 3βœ… 13s


βœ… execute fix-and-warn plugin on the directory chapter1()[jvm]
βœ… execute fix-and-warn plugin on the directory chapter2()[jvm]
βœ… execute fix-and-warn plugin on the directory chapter3()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-core/build/test-results/jvmTest/

2 tests were completed in 16s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 2βœ… 16s


βœ… execute fix plugin()[jvm]
βœ… execute fix plugin on the directory chapter1()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-core/build/test-results/jvmTest/

5 tests were completed in 1ms with 0 passed, 0 failed and 5 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 5βšͺ 1ms


βšͺ execute warn plugin on root directory()[jvm]
βšͺ execute warn plugin on the directory chapter1()[jvm]
βšͺ execute warn plugin on the directory chapter2()[jvm]
βšͺ execute warn plugin on the directory chapter3()[jvm]
βšͺ execute warn plugin on the directory chapter4()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-core/build/test-results/jvmTest/

8 tests were completed in 687ms with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 8βœ… 687ms


βœ… load save toml from middle hierarchy()[jvm]
βœ… merge and override two incomplete configs 2()[jvm]
βœ… merge and override general configs()[jvm]
βœ… merge and override two configs with different fields()[jvm]
βœ… merge configs with many parents()[jvm]
βœ… override real toml configs()[jvm]
βœ… merge real toml configs with empty execFlag in child()[jvm]
βœ… merge and override two incomplete configs()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-core/build/test-results/jvmTest/

2 tests were completed in 1s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 2βœ… 1s


βœ… should execute single test()[jvm]
βœ… detect plugins()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-core/build/test-results/jvmTest/

6 tests were completed in 35ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 6βœ… 35ms


βœ… resolve value()[jvm]
βœ… parse properties file()[jvm]
βœ… read not existed properties file()[jvm]
βœ… read properties file()[jvm]
βœ… read invalid properties file()[jvm]
βœ… parse properties file from not existed folder()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-core/build/test-results/jvmTest/

8 tests were completed in 53ms with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 8βœ… 53ms


βœ… validate warn section()[jvm]
βœ… invalid general section()[jvm]
βœ… set defaults to warn section()[jvm]
βœ… set defaults to general section()[jvm]
βœ… set defaults to fix section()[jvm]
βœ… validate warn section 2()[jvm]
βœ… validate warn section 3()[jvm]
βœ… validate warn section 4()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-core/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

1 tests were completed in 19ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 1βœ… 19ms


βœ… config detector regression test on directories[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-core/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

8 tests were completed in 2s with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 8βœ… 2s


βœ… should detect single file[mingwX64]
βœ… should fail on the invalid file[mingwX64]
βœ… should detect single file from a directory[mingwX64]
βœ… should detect starting from bottom[mingwX64]
βœ… should detect starting from bottom with multiple parent configs[mingwX64]
βœ… should detect multiple files starting from top[mingwX64]
βœ… should detect multiple files starting from the middle[mingwX64]
βœ… should detect config file from single Test file[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-core/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

9 tests were completed in 59s with 9 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 9βœ… 59s


βœ… execute fix plugin on separate files[mingwX64]
βœ… executing fix plugin on save-toml file in directory[mingwX64]
βœ… executing fix plugin on parental save-toml file[mingwX64]
βœ… execute fix plugin on folder[mingwX64]
βœ… check NoIgnoreLines[mingwX64]
βœ… check IgnoreLinesIsEmpty[mingwX64]
βœ… check IgnoreLines[mingwX64]
βœ… execute fix plugin in sarif mode[mingwX64]
βœ… tests with the same name[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-core/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

16 tests were completed in 49s with 11 passed, 0 failed and 5 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 11βœ… 5βšͺ 49s


βšͺ execute warn plugin with default testFiles[mingwX64]
βœ… execute warn plugin on separate files[mingwX64]
βšͺ execute warn plugin with timeout[mingwX64]
βœ… executing warn plugin on directory[mingwX64]
βœ… executing warn plugin on directory when files are set with regex[mingwX64]
βœ… lines that match ignoreLines should be ignored[mingwX64]
βœ… test output file set[mingwX64]
βšͺ executing warn plugin on parental directory[mingwX64]
βšͺ executing warn plugin on save-toml file in directory[mingwX64]
βœ… executing warn plugin on parental save-toml file[mingwX64]
βœ… executing warn plugin so that no resources will be found[mingwX64]
βšͺ execute warn plugin with included and excluded suites[mingwX64]
βœ… tests should have a relative path[mingwX64]
βœ… execute warn-plugin with expected warnings from SARIF[mingwX64]
βœ… execute warn-plugin with actual warnings from SARIF[mingwX64]
βœ… execute warn-plugin with actual and expected warnings from SARIF[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-core/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

3 tests were completed in 13s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 3βœ… 13s


βœ… execute fix-and-warn plugin on the directory chapter1[mingwX64]
βœ… execute fix-and-warn plugin on the directory chapter2[mingwX64]
βœ… execute fix-and-warn plugin on the directory chapter3[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-core/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

2 tests were completed in 16s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 2βœ… 16s


βœ… execute fix plugin[mingwX64]
βœ… execute fix plugin on the directory chapter1[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-core/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

5 tests were completed in 0ms with 0 passed, 0 failed and 5 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 5βšͺ 0ms


βšͺ execute warn plugin on the directory chapter1[mingwX64]
βšͺ execute warn plugin on the directory chapter2[mingwX64]
βšͺ execute warn plugin on the directory chapter3[mingwX64]
βšͺ execute warn plugin on the directory chapter4[mingwX64]
βšͺ execute warn plugin on root directory[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-core/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

8 tests were completed in 43ms with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 8βœ… 43ms


βœ… merge and override general configs[mingwX64]
βœ… merge and override two incomplete configs[mingwX64]
βœ… merge and override two incomplete configs 2[mingwX64]
βœ… merge and override two configs with different fields[mingwX64]
βœ… merge configs with many parents[mingwX64]
βœ… merge real toml configs with empty execFlag in child[mingwX64]
βœ… override real toml configs[mingwX64]
βœ… load save toml from middle hierarchy[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-core/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

2 tests were completed in 166ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 2βœ… 166ms


βœ… detect plugins[mingwX64]
βœ… should execute single test[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-core/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

6 tests were completed in 6ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 6βœ… 6ms


βœ… parse properties file[mingwX64]
βœ… parse properties file from not existed folder[mingwX64]
βœ… resolve value[mingwX64]
βœ… read properties file[mingwX64]
βœ… read invalid properties file[mingwX64]
βœ… read not existed properties file[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-core/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

8 tests were completed in 6ms with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 8βœ… 6ms


βœ… set defaults to general section[mingwX64]
βœ… invalid general section[mingwX64]
βœ… set defaults to warn section[mingwX64]
βœ… validate warn section[mingwX64]
βœ… validate warn section 2[mingwX64]
βœ… validate warn section 3[mingwX64]
βœ… validate warn section 4[mingwX64]
βœ… set defaults to fix section[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-plugins/fix-and-warn-plugin/build/test-results/jvmTest/

1 tests were completed in 1s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 1βœ… 1s


βœ… base test()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-plugins/fix-and-warn-plugin/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

1 tests were completed in 108ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 1βœ… 108ms


βœ… base test[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-plugins/fix-plugin/build/test-results/jvmTest/

4 tests were completed in 6s with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 4βœ… 6s


βœ… should detect two files()[jvm]
βœ… should calculate diff of discovered files()[jvm]
βœ… should detect two files - among other files()[jvm]
βœ… test for batchSize()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-plugins/fix-plugin/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

4 tests were completed in 327ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 4βœ… 327ms


βœ… should detect two files[mingwX64]
βœ… should detect two files - among other files[mingwX64]
βœ… should calculate diff of discovered files[mingwX64]
βœ… test for batchSize[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-plugins/warn-plugin/build/test-results/jvmTest/

5 tests were completed in 194ms with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 5βœ… 194ms


βœ… should filter out warnings from other files - absolute paths with testRoot being relative()[jvm]
βœ… should filter out warnings from other files - relative paths()[jvm]
βœ… should filter out warnings from other files()[jvm]
βœ… should convert SARIF report to SAVE warnings()[jvm]
βœ… should filter out warnings from other files - absolute paths with testRoot being absolute()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-plugins/warn-plugin/build/test-results/jvmTest/

1 tests were completed in 19ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 1βœ… 19ms


βœ… should compare warnings()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-plugins/warn-plugin/build/test-results/jvmTest/

3 tests were completed in 55ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 3βœ… 55ms


βœ… checking the creation of regex messages from strings()[jvm]
βœ… regression with regular expressions()[jvm]
βœ… checking the search of delimiters in the string()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-plugins/warn-plugin/build/test-results/jvmTest/

3 tests were completed in 17ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 3βœ… 17ms


βœ… should extract warnings from different text with no line but col()[jvm]
βœ… should extract warnings from different text with line and col()[jvm]
βœ… should extract warnings from different text with line but no col()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-plugins/warn-plugin/build/test-results/jvmTest/

11 tests were completed in 3s with 9 passed, 0 failed and 2 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 9βœ… 2βšͺ 3s


βœ… warn-plugin test exception()[jvm]
βšͺ warn-plugin test - multiple warnings and ignore technical comments()[jvm]
βœ… warn-plugin test - multiple warnings and no line-col()[jvm]
βœ… warn-plugin test for batchSize()[jvm]
βœ… basic warn-plugin test with exactWarningsMatch = false()[jvm]
βœ… regression - test resources in multiple directories()[jvm]
βœ… warn-plugin test with default warning without line()[jvm]
βšͺ basic warn-plugin test with ignoreTechnicalComments=true()[jvm]
βœ… warn-plugin test - multiple warnings()[jvm]
βœ… basic warn-plugin test()[jvm]
βœ… warn-plugin test for all mods()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-plugins/warn-plugin/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

5 tests were completed in 10ms with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 5βœ… 10ms


βœ… should convert SARIF report to SAVE warnings[mingwX64]
βœ… should filter out warnings from other files[mingwX64]
βœ… should filter out warnings from other files - relative paths[mingwX64]
βœ… should filter out warnings from other files - absolute paths with testRoot being relative[mingwX64]
βœ… should filter out warnings from other files - absolute paths with testRoot being absolute[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-plugins/warn-plugin/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

1 tests were completed in 3ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 1βœ… 3ms


βœ… should compare warnings[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-plugins/warn-plugin/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

3 tests were completed in 6ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 3βœ… 6ms


βœ… checking the search of delimiters in the string[mingwX64]
βœ… checking the creation of regex messages from strings[mingwX64]
βœ… regression with regular expressions[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-plugins/warn-plugin/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

3 tests were completed in 5ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 3βœ… 5ms


βœ… should extract warnings from different text with line and col[mingwX64]
βœ… should extract warnings from different text with no line but col[mingwX64]
βœ… should extract warnings from different text with line but no col[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-plugins/warn-plugin/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

11 tests were completed in 265ms with 9 passed, 0 failed and 2 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 9βœ… 2βšͺ 265ms


βœ… basic warn-plugin test[mingwX64]
βœ… warn-plugin test with default warning without line[mingwX64]
βœ… warn-plugin test for all mods[mingwX64]
βœ… basic warn-plugin test with exactWarningsMatch = false[mingwX64]
βšͺ basic warn-plugin test with ignoreTechnicalComments=true[mingwX64]
βœ… warn-plugin test - multiple warnings[mingwX64]
βšͺ warn-plugin test - multiple warnings and ignore technical comments[mingwX64]
βœ… warn-plugin test - multiple warnings and no line-col[mingwX64]
βœ… warn-plugin test for batchSize[mingwX64]
βœ… regression - test resources in multiple directories[mingwX64]
βœ… warn-plugin test exception[mingwX64]

βœ…Β save-reporters/build/test-results/jvmTest/

2 tests were completed in 356ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 2βœ… 356ms


βœ… should produce valid serialized Report when plugin crashes()[jvm]
βœ… should produce valid serialized Report from ordinary data()[jvm]

βœ…Β save-reporters/build/test-results/mingwX64Test/

2 tests were completed in 157ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time 2βœ… 157ms


βœ… should produce valid serialized Report from ordinary data[mingwX64]
βœ… should produce valid serialized Report when plugin crashes[mingwX64]