Builds a tree view of an Internet Archive collection's sub-collections
An Internet Archive collection may have any number of sub-collections (and even sub-sub-collections.) It can be tricky to maintain or explore collections with many sub-collections. InternetArchive-xtree creates a tree of all the sub-collections under a collection. Output can be text or HTML.
Requirements: the ia command line tool, and jq.
Sample Output
Text mode: built with ./xtree collection-identifier
%./ dlarc
Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications (dlarc)
|100 years of the Fort Wayne Radio Club (fortwayneradioclub)
|Cal Poly Amateur Radio Club archive (cal-poly-amateur-radio)
|DLARC Conferences archive (dlarc-conferences)
|FEMARA, Inc. (femarainc)
|GRCon archive (grcon)
|HamSCI archive (hamsci)
|International EME Conference archive (eme_conference)
|MicroHams Digital Conference archive (microhams)
|Pacificon archive (pacificon)
|QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo archive (qso-today)
|TAPR Meetings and Conferences archive (tapr-meetings)
|DLARC E-mail Lists archive (dlarc-email)
|BOATANCHORS Digest archive (boatanchors)
|GLOWBUGS Digest archive (glowbugs)
|Ham Homebrew Digest archive (ham-homebrew-digest)
|Ham-Ant Digest archive (ham-ant-digest)
|Ham-Digital Digest archive (ham-digital-digest)
|Ham-Equip Digest archive (ham-equip-digest)
|Ham-Policy Digest archive (ham-policy-digest)
|Ham-Space Digest archive (ham-space-digest)
|INFO-HAMS Digest archive (info-hams)
|Packet-Radio Digest archive (packet-radio-digest)
|QRP-L Digest (qrp-l)
HTML mode: built with ./plantatree collection-identifier
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