This repo could be used to understand how the Galen Framework works at a glance but the right way to use it with a TDD methodology in mind can be found on the article I wrote on the David Walsh's blog.
This repo contains two simple HTML templates with the same layout (pages/html/). It's responsive ready. The first layout is intentionally broken and the second layout works has expected. The goal is to run automated tests on those pages and have a final report. All documentation about Galen can be found on
First, make sure you have Node.js, Grunt and Galen 1.6+ installed globally.
Download the .zip file from GitHub and extract it. Then install all node dependencies using:
npm install
Then start a server with:
grunt server
A URL is needed by Galen for testing pages. I use a server created with Grunt for my personal facilities but you can host them where you want and update the "test-example.test" file. (galen-tests/tests)
All reports are generated in galen-tests/reports after running tests. Galen generates a lot of stuff but just open the "report.html" file to access to the final report result.
Open a new tab and run the following command to run tests on "page-fail.html":
grunt galen-fail
Run the following command to run tests on "page-success.html":
grunt galen-success